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Maggie Griffin •

"I did it!" I couldn't believe it I was so excited I almost was dizzy. Coming into school on Monday morning I felt elated, lighter than air. Walking to school I could see people already gathered outside in the courtyard and there were whispers which seemed both excited and curious.


I turned to see Ro running up to me, her black hair whipping wildly around her. "What?" I looked at her and she held up her hand as she caught her breath. "Did you bring everything?" I nodded and tapped my tote bag. The girls had texted me to tell me to leave my 'disguise' in my locker because Daredevils training happened every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and meets usually occurred every two weeks and at the end of February there was nationals of you managed to be one of the four teams who made it that far.

Walking into the buildings I couldn't help but notice the excitement whispers had grown into conversations.  "What's everyone talking about?" I asked Ro and she smiled "the hot new" I widened my eyes and Ro turned to correct herself "well Lewis technically...but everyone wants to know who he is, what he does" I couldn't help but scoff.

"But it's only been a weekend!?"
"Word travels fast Maggie...haven't you met Ginny King?" I couldn't help but laugh at that I suppose when you have an Arizonan Gretchen Weiners nothing stays silent for long.

When the bell rang I made my way towards the art department, I don't mind art I actually was rather fond of it. I took photography and it was quite fun. Since I had taken it previously at Tobias high I got to take the specialised master class (okay not quite a masterclass but the seniors took it). Walking into the room I could see the class was filled with upperclassmen which happened to include: Amelia Murphy.

"Maggie Griffin, I am so excited your here" she gestured me into the room and I cautiously stepped inside. The room was decorated with heaps of pictures hanging from the ceiling. "Where's the-?"
"Oh he's never around so I run this joint" Amelia's smile was irritating, it was kind of a mixture of nice and sinister.

Like I said off putting

"So Maggie...come and sit by us" Amelia gestured me over to her side and I sat beside her and another girl who gave me a curt nod. Opening my journal I began to write down the assignment we had to complete as our final project: a place of happiness, a place to be your truest self

Who was I supposed to answer that? How was I supposed to identify a place like that in my head and heart? God that was sappy I needed to stop.

I wanted to just be left in peace but of course Amelia Murphy would not allow that. "So Maggie where did you move from?"

"Oregon...I used to live in Portland" I didn't like small talk, I found it quite polite but dull. "Oh well, I have never been to Oregon I have found it appealing" I scoffed at that "An appealing holiday would be like California or at least New York but Oregon not really" she kept going and I kept ignoring.

About half an hour later she got frustrated with my one worded answers and the fact I wouldn't give in to her increasingly intrusive questions but I knew that she could have gotten any information she wanted from her side kick Ginny King.

Once class had ended I was out of there, fast. I needed to get to the lockers as quickly as possible. Finding my own I quickly unlocked it and pulled out the tote and as quickly as I opened the door I closed it and ran towards the bathrooms, the ones of the complete opposite side of the school which no one really used.

Of course it doesn't take me long to done my disguise the one that gave me a euphoric feeling because I was going to make a change and I was going to take a stand. Getting changed I made my way towards the field but I couldn't help but tug at the clothes and fiddle wit the wig.

I felt transparent almost like they could see that Lewis Abel was really Magnolia Griffin.

They were all gathered at the oval, stretching with Will Collins in the centre as usual. The centre of attention as usual because from my short time here I had figured he was always the centre.

"Alright men let's begin" I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to that Disney movie where he sings about training all the men which made for me trying to suppress awkward giggles.

So let's just get down to business.

Isn't that how the song starts?


Please appreciate the Disney reference I love Disney way too much to admit. Also this chapter is kind of a filler so sorry...

Also fun fact. Ginny Kings real name is Regina so her name is literally Queen King because Regina means Queen.

L xx

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