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Maggie Griffin •

My muscles hurt but I felt good, I loved the way I felt after running. The pain was like a reminder that I was on my way to success because my dream was to get an athletic scholarship.

Getting onto my bike I was happy to go home, I wanted to nap and re watch the entire Carrie Diaries series (it ended too soon) and also eat because I was starving. Walking into the house I was met with my mother folding laundry and humming to herself.

"Mum?" I stepped closer to her and she jumped "oh sorry Maggie I didn't hear you come in" I walked over to the lounge and flopped down. "So guess who's birthday it is next week" she came over and squeezed my shoulders and I couldn't help but smile a bit but it was also a sad thought because it would be my first birthday without dad.

"What did you want to do? We could go for dinner or I could make dinner. You could go out with your new friends or anything you like" I knew mum was trying, after dads death I made some mistakes and that left mum and my relationship strained and almost broken but somehow we had gotten to a good place but she stills treated me like glass or a bomb either way she was waiting for the damage.

"Anyway Mags I found some jobs for you...I know you had a job back in Oregon" I remember I worked at Emily's a small boutique in the shopping strand. "There is a small florist near the dinner and they are hiring...it's called Buttercup Blooms" I couldn't help but laugh. It sounded like a fictional anime hang out. "Alright I'll have a look, can I go this afternoon?" Mum thought for a moment and nodded.

"Okay...but no Donatello!" I groaned and handed her my keys and she put them in her pocket. "Okay now if your going to go, please get changed and have a shower. You sink" I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to the bathroom. Nearly half an hour later I was clean and actually didn't stink like sweat and a boys locker room.

Pulling on just a plain white dress and a pair of ballet flats, I set off the the florist with my resume in hand. Part of me believed mum wanted me to get a job so she didn't have to see me all the time because I think she still saw me as her failure and wanted me out of the way to 'process'.

Finally making it to the florist I was surprising charmed by its burnt red exterior and pretty red roses in the front in dark pots. Pushing open the door I was met with a man who was trimming flowers. "Hello, I'm Maggie Griffin and I wanted to hand in my resume" I walked up to to him as confidently as I could. "I'm Dev and I own the place...well along with my wife Pam but today it's mine" he winked and I chuckled at that, he seemed kind enough.

"I'll take a look at that" he stretched out his hand and I handed over the resume and I watched him scan it over. "Worked at two boutiques before this? And you've taken a floristry course before?" I nodded "once over the summer and I have my certificate if you need that" he smiled at me and shook his head. "You know I'll talk it over with the mrs and I'll let you, I'm sure my son would love not to work here anymore" I laughed and he joined me "I'll give you a call tomorrow Miss Griffin" I nodded and stepped out of the store.

I didn't feel like going home just yet so I decided to walk around for a bit. Although I had friends and a massive secret and even a potential new job, I still didn't feel like I was home yet. Walking for a few more minutes I suddenly found a park. "What do we have here?" I said to myself and walked towards it. It was like any other park I had seen: a playground, benches and a BBQ but I kept walking around, maybe just to entertain myself but I walked nonetheless.

Then I saw it.

The track, the track was amazing! It was like something you saw at the Olympics or at the very least at one of those athletic centres. "Wow this is amazing" I stepped towards it and couldn't help but feel compelled to run, despite the aches (and the dress) I resisted the urge but just sat on the hill and just watched.

Nothing felt calmer than this.


I know that this is a filler chapter but writers block is hard and also I have been really stressed about uni and been having doubts about my future. I Willet my head in the game I promise.

L xx 

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