What happened when Albus was 3...

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All of us walk in on our parents doing stuff...or maybe not.

When James was 6, and Albus was 3, they were strolling round their house in search of their parents.

Because they were young, innocent and naive, they didn't knock, and in doing so, they walked in casually.

What they didn't expect to see was their Daddy on top of their Mummy.

"Mummy!" Albus pointed, "Mummy!"

Ginny looked up in shock as her eldest son smacked a hand in front of Albus' face, and screamed.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" She dove under the duvet, and got changed.

"Mummy, Daddy. What were you doing?" James asked.

"Umm...we were just dancing..." Harry said awkwardly, blushing a deep shade of red.

"Yes, dancing." Ginny agreed.

"Could you leave Mummy and Daddy alone, please. So they can do some more private dancing." Harry encouraged. Both boys scampered out.

"Oh Merlin. That was embarrassing. We should Obliviate them." Harry said as they were alone. Ginny smacked his chest.

"No! Those are our sons!"

"Fine, fine. Albus will forget anyway...and who remembers anything when they were 6?" Harry said.

"Come on, Harry. Let's do some more dancing."

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