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WARNING - references rape and abuse
Read with caution

After brunch we returned to the guild and and I saw not much people, then the rest of their family returned.
"Where is Val?"
When they looked puzzled Mrs. Dragoneel answered for me.
"Valda is what they call her back over there."
"Oh, she wanted some alone time to collect her things back at our house"
"Alright I'll just go help her"
"I think alone time means alone time and besides you don't know where we live"
He suddenly got all defensive for some reason.
"No it's alright Natsu, I told him where we lived and there going to be together alone anyway so it'll be fine"
Mrs. Dragoneel defended me and I was off. When I got to the door I saw the blinds were all closed and I thought it strange, also the door was locked so I nocked on it at a decent volume.
"Go away please"
Her voice sounded like it was when I saw her after she cried...
"Let me in please"
"I'm...indecent, I'll see you back at the guild."
"Val, you will let me in"
In one swift use of magic I unlocked the door and opened the door.
"lock the door behind you then"
And I did as she said, but when I did I couldn't see anything. It was pitch dark and I wondered why anyone wanted to do anything in such darkness but I found the switch and turned it on. Val was laying in the middle of a pool of blood and torn up cloths, her face was pointed down out of my sight. I quickly began the experience by gently picking her up and setting her out of the blood and healing her wounds with my Phoenix powers, I then cleaned up the blood and found another outfit for her to wear. I helped her into it and combed her hair gently tying it into a galant side bun with flowers. When she was then sitting on the side of a bed I kneeled in front of her lifeless looking face
"Valda, Destiny, what happened?"
She looked me in my eyes and suddenly came to life, her cheeks gained color and she stood up, she wobbled slightly on her feed then proceeded to walk over to a wall with nothing but pictures on it. She carefully picked one up, a picture of her and her dad, she looked at it for a while. Unexpectedly she screamed and threw it down where it shattered and she fell on top of the glass crying. I quietly walked over to her and began hand bandaging the glass cuts on her hand.
"Val, what happened to you?"
"Ever since my other siblings were born they hated me for having too much power, and my dad hated me because I inherited his dragon flame which was the only connection he had to his adoptive father. This happened rarely but when it did it had something to do like this, I'm marrying a man who will make me empress, and if I had told them before I accepted they would have threatened me into saying no. I knew Sinbad wanted to ask me after the battle but that's when I passed out and I was with you, I was supposed to say no to him because he would have given the power of Sindria to me."
I stayed silent and listened carefully to her.
"The other dragon slayers of the guild could always smell my dad and brothers on me because of it but I made them promise me they wouldn't tell anybody, not even mom knows. I know I have enough power to fight back that's for sure, but I don't want to hurt my family. My younger brothers don't even know why they do it, they just were born and grew up thinking 'oh it's fun time, this is perfectly normal, don't tell mom haha'. Their young and won't know that keeping your virginity for that special person is sacred. And I'll never get that chance either."
She turned to me and started crying harder and held onto my arm with a weak grip.
"I'm not even sure I can have children anymore!"
And with that she cried more and let her head fall onto me. I comforted her until she fell asleep in which I healed her cuts and tucked her into her bed. Once I exited the house I left to go to the guild. Once there Natsu came up to me wearily as if predicting what I saw.
"So how is she?"
"Oh she's doing great, when I got there I found her sleeping softly in her bed and everything packed ready to go! I kissed her on the head then came back to let her rest."
"Were you expecting her to be on the floor in her own blood where you left her?"
"Mrs. Dragoneel it has come to my attention that your first born daughter has been subjected to rape and beatings."
She gasped and became all white in the face.
"Who would do such a thing! You must tell me who has done these bad things to my girl"
Suddenly a multitude of people came up behind her glaring at me. most were males and one smaller girl.
"I know who did it and I'm sorry I let it go on for so long"
Natsu said and everyone turned to him, and I was surprised. Was he going to give himself away in hope for apologies?
"Our firstborn son"
And he looked down, sort of shamefully.
Mrs.Dragoneel gasped again and began to seek out the son who had suddenly vanished, in fact all the males and even one of the daughters had vanished
"Oooh where is that boy!"
I turned, transformed, and turned to her.
"Do not expect me to show them mercy if I find them hurting her now"
She nodded and I blasted off to her house

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