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I walked into the room where I will hold the meeting and found a beautiful woman sitting there.
"The meeting shall start"
She turned from facing away from me to facing me and her face was even more beautiful.
"Hello, nice to meet your acquaintance. I am King Sinbad of Sindria"
"My name is Destiny, daughter of Fiore"
"I've never heard of Fiore before, who rules it?"
"Technically the council members but I'm sure not everyone follows their rules"
" I see"
I sit down next to the lady and looked her over
"I've never seen such clothing"
"Sorry, I realize I'm not from around here but I'll try to convert to your styles. Tell me, does this country believe in slaves?"
Startled I didn't respond for a few seconds but then regained myself
"No, Sindria lets all be equal and free"
"Oh good"
After a little bit of silence and waiting to figure out what to say I spoke up.
"I hear you are a very strong fighter"
"I got it all from my parents I guess, it wasn't hard to inherit most of their powers when I was their first child. Although my younger siblings hate me for taking it all"
She looked down and it hated to see her so sad so I lifted up her head and smiled at her, I gave it my best because even though I have not been looking for a wife this woman in front of me is very beautiful and interests me. After a little of her just stone faced looking at me I dropped my hand and shuffled a bit. I've never had a woman turn me down so this is new to me.
"Anyway, Lord Sinbad wanted to know what you were doing here, your obviously not from around here so what made you come?"
I turned to Jafar who stepped up and sat down to talk with us also.
"Well, I never got in quite where my parents were and I felt a strong call over to these waters so I left my home and came to see what had called me."
"I understand, well travel must have been horrid for a young woman like you so Jafar would gladly escort you to your room"
"Don't get me wrong King Sinbad, but I'm very strong and can hold my own. I'm very awake and would like to look around more."
She stood up and moved gracefully out of the room leaving us stunned.

Fire Dragon Magi ( Under Edit )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz