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The next morning I was in the kitchen while my uncles and dad trained. I was helping April with some baking. "So lily, what is going on with the dragon boy? I want to hear it from you. Not your father or uncles perspective." April asked making me sigh as I had mixed batter for cookies. "Aunt April it's hard to explain. Fenris is a kraang experiment but he's not evil. I'm not sure why but at first he was stern with me. He's a teen boy who only knew pain and being lonely. I just want to be his friend. Plus dragons are soooo cool with their big wings and fire. And Fenris is just learning how to interact with people so his actions are different." I said not realizing I was rambling and daydreaming. "Awww little lily has a crush! I can't wait to meet him." April said shocking me out. "What no way! I mean he is nice but...." I trailed off thinking to myself even as April laughed. "Don't worry lily I won't tell anyone. And you know you can always talk to me about it. Now come on let's get these in the oven." April stated. I smiled but my mind was in shambles. I liked Fenris but was what April said true? Did I actually like like him? And what would happen to him once we went back to the city in a few days?

After April and I finished the cookies I made up a few sandwiches and snuck out a few of the fresh made cookies. I also grabbed a few bottles of water before saying loudly I was going to the barn to practice. I slid out of the house and walked casually to the barn and ducked inside. I glanced around the shadows before I saw him blended into the shadows. "Fen come out I can see you! And I brought goodies!" I said shaking around the bag. He came into the light and as the sun hit a few of his scales I noticed that they were not all black. There were places of indigo and maroon scattered all over. But they were so dark they meshed with the pure black. "Hello lily." He said smoothly making me smile. "I brought your favorite!" I said with a large grin after shaking myself out of my day dreams. "The sandwhick!" Fenris exclaimed taking one out and eating it quickly. "Sandwich! Fenris you know what I give up on that." I said as he wasn't paying attention but eating. It didn't take long before they were all gone. "What are these?" He asked holding up a water and a cookie. "That is a water bottle and a cookie. Both are good but the cookie is best made them myself." I said showing him how to open the water before taking a drink from my bottle. He drank the water but not all of it and nibbled the cookie before his eyes widened comically and he stuffed it in his mouth like Cookie Monster! I was laughing now. "Enjoy that hu?" I asked even as he huffed unhappily at me.

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