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I stormed off once again. I could barely control the anger that bubbled under my skin as I stalked the sewers taking a break from my brothers. I breathed deeply as I climbed up out of the manhole and up on a rooftop breathing the crisp New York night air. Their words stung, they didn't understand that I pushed myself so hard not to better Leo but to better protect my family. I may be the hot head but that was all they saw. I never let my guard down. I jumped startled by someone screaming. I ran over a few rooftops and looked down. There was a woman clutching a bundle as foot ninjas attacked a guy presumingly her husband or boyfriend. I jumped down taking out my famous anger on the foot. Once they were gone I turned seeing the guy laying on the ground no movement and the girl sobbing yet she to was bleeding profusely. "T-thank you. But your too late. Please take her." She whispered looking into my eyes holding out her bundle. The ladies eyes were steel grey colored and I could tell that once they danced with laughter that was fading fast. I gently too the bundle and pulling back the blanket covering was a child. Looking at the lady I noticed she too was gone leaving the child orphaned. I felt the little girl squirm and I looked down. Her eyes opened reveling sapphire blue eyes. She cooed at me and raising one hand grabbed the tail end of my bandana. "Come on little one lets get you home." I whispered not knowing her name or what I was to do with the baby. I carried her back to the lair my senses on high alert. Upon entering the lair Leo noticed me right away. "Um raph what do you have there?" Leo asked cautiously. I ignored him and marched right into sensi's room. "My son what is it?" He asked taking in my expression first. "Master splinter, I went topside to cool off and I heard screams. I went to help this small family. I drove off the foot but too late to save the couple. The woman gave me her bundle before she died and it is her child. She asked me to take her. I don't know what to do." I said softly looking down at the child in my arms. "Let me see her." Splinter asked calmly. I hesitated before gently handing her over. She opened her eyes and took in splinter before letting out a wail that brought my brothers running. Splinter softly shushed the child and rocked her slowly her eyes closed. "Raph did you?" Donnie started. "No I didn't steal her. I saved her, but not her parents." I said sadly. "Master splinter what are we going to do?" Leo asked. "We can either take her to the orphanage." Splinter said. "NO!" I shouted making everyone turn to me. "Her mother gave her to me. She begged me to take her. It was her last wish. It's not honorable to just dump her." I said crossing my arms. "Very well. Congratulations my son. You are now a father." Splinter said handing me back the child with a proud smile. She sighed and snuggled into my plastron her little hand clutched my mask end. "I call being the cool uncle!" Mikey shouted while Leo looked thoughtful. I turned to Donnie "think you can make a place for her to sleep?" I asked. "Course I can!" Donnie said before taking off. "I'll call April and " "call me for what Leo?" April asked as her and Casey walked in. "Raphs a daddy!" Mikey exclaimed. "Really?" April and Casey asked at the same time. I nodded and carried my daughter to them. "I tried to save her parents too but they were too far injured and died." I whispered not liking retelling the story and remembering the woman's eyes. "Well she's a cutie." April said. "aprils right. What's her name?" Casey asked. I stood shocked, a name? I never thought of that and the woman died before she could tell me. "I haven't gotten that far yet actually." I said with a chuckle. "Oh oh ohhhh! We could name her turtlella! Ooo or Raphaela? No no hmm jasmine? Jessa? Harley?" Mikey rattled off. "Mikey bro calm and quiet." I said when my daughter whimpered and woke up. I glanced around the lair lookin for inspiration. That's when I saw it one of master splinters few paintings on the wall. A water lily floating on a calm pond while turtles swim around it. "Lily." I whispered and jumped when my daughter laughed happily. "Welcome to the family lily hamato." Leo said as April and Casey left with Mikey to pick up baby things. Donnie finished her crib and for now we placed it in my room until one of the spare ones could be cleaned out and redecorated.
Lily was just starting to get fussy when Mikey, April and Casey came in carrying multiple bags. "April make a bottle please. Raphael must learn the art of the diaper change!" Master splinter said holding out a new diaper and a box of wipes. I crinkled my nose but followed him. "Now then unwrap her and lay her down. Then take off her outfit. And slide the new one under the used makes it easier to put on" Splinter said watching me. I was terrified of hurting her that I went slowly. I never realized she was so small. "Now my son there are two flaps that hold it together release them." Again I did as I was told and was met with a horrifying smell! It was worse than Mikey's room! "Now clean her up. And don't leave anything behind. It will irritate the skin if you do." With that in mind I cleaned her carefully and tossed the smelly one hookin the new one on just like the other one. "There that wasn't so bad." I whispered as Mikey ran in. "Hey daddy raph can she wear these?" Mikey asked bounding around the room. I looked at the outfit. It was a dark pink footie pajamas with a light pink kitten on the front. "Sure." I sighed puting the outfit on her. I finished just as April walked in with the bottle. "Here you go." She said handing it to me while showing me how to feed lily. She must have liked it as lily guzzled it down. I was captivated by the small creature that was now mine. "Don't forget to burp her!" April called before leaving. I panicked but master splinter took lily and laying her so her head rested on her shoulder gently patted her back until she burped. Then she fell asleep. I laid her in her new crib and I gazed at her wondering "what have I gotten myself into, my flower?"

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