"I don't want to talk to him." I said. "All he's going to do is be mad at me."

"He might not be."

I rolled my eyes. "He called me a freakin' slut, Hannah. You know that. All I was doing was trying to text him and he had the balls to call me a slut. I thought he freakin' loved me, but you don't call someone you love that. No matter how mad you are. And he didn't even apologize, and he knew I was crying." My eyes started watering up. "How could he do that to me? He knows that I wouldn't do that to him. All I did was talk to Sammy, it ain't like I was doing anything like that."

"He was mad, Nicole. He was just mad."

"I'm not talking to him."

"Do you have feelings for Sammy?" Hannah asked me.

"Hell no." I stated. "You know I don't. Why would you even ask me that?"

"Do you have feelings for Dean?"

I scoffed. "Again, hell no. I haven't even talked to Dean. He went to the Navy, remember?"

"Do you have feelings for anyone else besides Parker?"

"No. You know I don't. Why are you asking me this?"

" If you don't have feelings for anyone else besides Parker, then why are you so convinced that you can't be with him?"

I sighed. "Because he doesn't want to be with me, Hannah."

"Yes he does."

"Yeah, the only time I'll believe that is if Parker says it." I scoffed.

"Okay, fine. You want Parker to say it, fine." Hannah said as she typed on her phone.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged as I started watching Netflix on the television. Whatever she was doing, I knew that nothing I said could stop her once she set her mind to something.


"Okay, you wanted Parker to say it." Hannah said as she came and sat beside me on the chair. "Here. Read these messages."

I took the rose gold iPhone 6 from Hannah and looked at it. The contact was Parker, and I started reading the first message that was sent today.

Hannah: so when are you planning on working things out with your girlfriend?

Parker: I don't know, Hannah.

Hannah: she misses you and I know you miss her. Y'all can work through this.

Parker: I don't know if we can.

Hannah: god, why are you both so stubborn? I know that you're a mess and she is too. Just talk to her, Parker. She wants you to talk to her.

Parker: I'm not a mess.

Hannah: liar.

Parker: I don't know what to do. I'm not good at talking about stuff.

Hannah: well, for starters you can apologize for calling her a slut. Because you know she is the farthest thing from a slut. That hurt her, Parker. She thinks you really meant that.

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