CHAPTER 17: Not At All

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She pinched Malcolm's hand after she heard that. She feels so important.

"Yes sir!" Everyone said in unison.

He nodded, "Now, back to work." He ordered.

After they ate together, Malcolm's secretary, Lia, knocked on the door. "Sir, I am so sorry to interrupt." She started

Dana was the one who spoke, "No, it's okay. We are done eating anyway." She took everything and placed it back to the paper bag.

Malcolm nodded at his secretary and straightens his suit, "What is it Lia?"

Lia looked at her planner and back at him, "Sir, you have a meeting in 10 minutes. The board members are already in the meeting room two."

"Okay, got it." He said and heaved a sigh. He looked at Dana who's looking at him too with a soft smile on her face. "Honey, I have to attend an important meeting."

"Malcolm, you have work. I understand." She smiled. "Don't worry about me. I'll be going now too."

They stood up and she helped him fix his tie. She looked at him with love in her eyes. Malcolm drops a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you." He never failed to tell her that every day. Dana grew fond of that. She likes hearing it every single day. It's like an energy booster.

"I love you too." She said back.

Note to self; be with someone who will take care of you. Not materialistically, but to take care of your soul and love you without conditions.

Dana is on her way to Starbucks. She had too much shopping. She bought three new dresses and a pair of shoes. She even ordered a latest bag that is not yet on the market—that costs big. Well, it's in the girl's nature to spend too much for clothes, bags, cosmetics and shoes. Boys spend much too for expensive cars or anything to with machines.

Well, partly fair.

She's on her way to the counter when a kid bumped into her. His milkshake was spilled into her top. Dana felt the coldness of the drink but instead of getting angry, she even had the courage to kneel and help the kid.

The kid was on his knees too. His hazel eyes looked at her with sadness, "I am sorry for being clumsy, miss." The kid said sadly.

"Are you okay miss?" The older woman in her back asked.

She smiled at her before turning back to the kid.

Dana heaved a sigh and her heart melted at the sight of the kid who seems to feel so sorry for what he did—though it was an accident. "Kiddo, it's okay. I'm not mad." She said.

She's composed and she knew the feeling of being guilty of something that she accidentally did. Some people will squeak and throw tantrums to incident like this. They are just so impulsive.

An accident caused by a kid—no fuss. Dana could always change clothes. The kid has nothing to do with it.

He looked at her, "My milkshake got wasted." Tears are threatening to roll down his eyes.

Dana couldn't get hold of the sight, "Shh, I'll buy you another one." She helped him get up.

The kid's face enlightened, "Really? Thank you so much. I want the chocolate one! Chocolate!" He enthusiastically chanted.

Dana caressed the kid's hair and smiled at him, "Okay, chocolate milkshake then." She said. The older woman who asked her earlier smiled at them too.

Instances like this, manners should always on point. Never act impulsively and better to weigh things out before taking actions. Kids are kids. They are innocent.

The kid was so happy when he got his Chocolate Milkshake. He looked at her and gave Dana thumbs up that made her chuckle. Kids are so adorable. This little man in front of her right now has a cute copper hair and cherub cheeks. She wants to squeeze it.

"What's your name kiddo?" She asked.

The kid put down his drink, "My Daddy and Aunt told me that I should not talk to strangers... But you bought me Chocolate Milkshake, I will talk to you because you are nice to me and you didn't shout at me."

"That's fair."

The kid extended his little hand to hers, "I am Pax Devan Henderson." He said.

Henderson. "You are a Henderson?" Dana asked confusedly.

The kid nodded. "Yes miss, My Dad is a Henderson. And I am his son so that makes me one." He sipped back his drink.

Dana was about to ask some more questions when a kid who has the same face with the kid sitting in front of her came running to their table. "Van! Van! Where have you been?" The other one asked. "Aunt Fia was so worried."

They're twins! Dana thought.

"I am fine, Von." The kid looked at her and back to his twin, "I met her. She's nice."

"Hello." The kid greeted.

Dana smiled at the other kid, "What's your name kiddo?"

"I am Par Devon Henderson. Van and I are twins." Still a Henderson! Whose kid is this? Looking at these kids, they have no similarity to Malcolm—luckily. That relieved her from thinking of the worse. She thought they are Malcolm's. Oh no! All hell will break loose probably.

They don't have any of Malcolm's features.

Not later than a minutes, Sofia Henderson came running to their direction too. "Von! Van! Oh my goodness!" She squealed and hugged the twins. "Where have you been? You almost killed me today!" She said momently.

Dana looked at Sofia, "Hey," She called her attention.

She saw how Sofia stilled and looked at her with wide eyes. "Dana!" She seems shocked. "H-how... Why are you... here?" She stuttered.

"I was shopping and decided to take a break here when Van bumped into me and spilled me his drink. He was about to cry so I bought him another one." She smiled. "I thought you're back in California."

She ignored the last question. Sofia has no time for that. What if the kids told her that they are Malcolm's? That will be the end of everything. She knew that Malcolm and Dana are back together and she can't ruin that.

"Really?" She's sounds so worried sick. "Did he say something?"

The kids are now busy chatting with each other.

Dana nodded.

"What?" Sofia interjected.

Dana was stilled by her reaction. She answered, "Van just introduced himself to me. And Von too. They are your nephew right? I heard they called you Aunt Fia."

"Yes. Uh... What else?" She's hoping hard that there is none. Sofia is in deep trouble right now. "Did they tell you whose kid they are?"

Dana's brow creased, "No. Why? Is there something wrong?"

Goodness gracious! Luckily the kids aren't that much of a talker. She thanked heaven for that. She's safe, now Sofia just only have make up a white lie in order to get away here.

"No. Not at all. They are my cousin's kids." Sofia felt relieved immediately. She turned to the kids, "Kids, say thank you and bid goodbye to Aunt Dana. We're going home now." She ordered.

The twins looked at her and smiled, "Thank you for the Chocolate Milkshake Aunt Dana." It was Van who said that.

"You're welcome, Van." She answered.

They bid her goodbye.

She was on her way to the parking when her phone beeped; it was a text from Malcolm.

Malcolm Henderson: Are you at work? Have you eaten lunch, honey?

She composed a reply.

No. I'm on my way home. I went shopping and bumped into your nephew. Van and Von are so adorable. I'll call you when I get home. I love you.

She sent it happily. She can't wait to see the kids again. They are just so adorable and polite.

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