She seemed to notice the locker with all the books and said, "Whose books are those?"

I said, "They are mine, Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's books."

She asked, "How did you put them in a locker like that? Do you just levitate it around."

I shook my head and seeing the look on her face said, "Here just watch and it will explain itself ma'am."

She nodded so I said the spell for closing the locker and closed it. The second I closed it, the locker disappeared into midair.

She gasped and said, "Where did you learn a spell like that? I don't know if I can do a spell as hard as that, particularly since I am not very good at charms to being with."

I shrugged and said modestly, "I just read it and tried it out this morning. When it worked I figured it would be a good way to carry my books. Is it not allowed?"

She smiled faintly and said, "I'm sure no one will object, most students wouldn't dream of trying a spell of that caliber but I'm sure none of your professors will mind at all."

I relaxed relieved. "Okay thank you professor."

She said, "I need to start class now, but if you have a moment after class I would like to talk to you. It will only take a moment so all of you are welcome to stay for a second or two."

I said, "Yep it's no problem professor. We have potions next but we have half an hour to get there and I know my way there."

She nodded and said, "Impressive work Miss Wallwirt I expect good things to come from you during this class."

I nodded and the four of us followed us in to the classroom. Most of the students were just getting there saying something about not being able to find the class. Professor McGonagall said it was fine since it was the first day.

Once all the students were there she took roll call. Transfiguration was held with the Slytherin's so there was a clear divide in seating from one house to the other. Once roll call was done she turned into a cat. She turned back into her human form and immediately my hand went in the air.

"Yes Miss Wallwirt?"

"Are you an Animagus?"

"Yes I am. Very good 10 points to Gryffindor. I am an Animagus. Can anyone else tell me what an Animagus is?"

To my right Hermione's hand went up and once she was acknowledged said, "Basically an Animagus is anyone who can change from a human to an animal and back again."

Professor McGonagall smiled and said, "Yes very good. Take another 10 points. Now I don't expect any of you to be able to do that without a lot of practice. Today we are going to work in changing a match into a needle."

She made sure every kid had a match then showed up the proper incantation and movements, "Now you may begin. Just raise your hand when you are done."

Immediately once she said we could start with a wave of my hand I changed the match into a needle and rasied my hand to signal I was done. As she made her way over to where I was I saw Hermione had only made it a little silver. Ron and Harry were having no luck; there's hadn't done anything. The rest of the class seemed to be having a hard time as well.

When she was in front of me she picked up my needle with her eyebrows raised.

She held it up for the class to see and said, "Very good Miss Wallwirt. This is what your match will look like once you have completed the transfiguration. Now that you know someone else can do it, I expect that you want to change yours."

The Potions Master's Daughter (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now