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"Hey! You made it!" Ryan clapped him on the back and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Wouldn't miss it bud." I grinned and walked over to a rookie Hunter throwing knives at a dartboard. His aim was off. I whipped a knife from my belt and flicked my wrist sending it flying across the room, the blade skimmed past his cheek and landed right in the bullseye. The Hunter spun around amazed and I laughed.

"You gotta teach me how to do that!" The kid laughed.
"Maybe someday kid. Keep practicing." I pat him on the back and he grinned back, going back to his target practice with a new look of determination.

"So ya made it!" Alessia bounded over and hugged him.

"Of course, but thank Shade. It was his idea." As if on cue, he appeared beside me and did a little bow. "It was no biggie. His primate mind is easy to manipulate." I swatted at him and he whizzed away laughing.
"Asshat". I laughed too, the sound drowned out by the music.

"Hey David! Catch!" Havoc tossed a bottle across the room and I caught it in one hand, inspecting the label. Some old drink, the label was worn and faded. I flicked the top off with my titanium finger and took a large swig.
Not bad not bad. This would be a fun night.

The rest of the night was a blur of poker, dancing, drinking, more dancing, Havoc did some weird ass chicken dance which almost made us piss ourselves laughing. Shade was right. It was a good time. For once I actually felt human. Like the darkness never existed in the first place.

Next thing I know, I stood on a table, a stack of apples in one hand and a handful of knives in the other. Everyone stood around me chanting my name. Hell, even our ghosts got their party on. I threw the apples vertically into the air, and threw the blades all at once, pinning the apples to the wall. Everyone cheered again. I raised my hands in victory. "Drinks are on me!" Everyone cheered louder and another round of shots slid across the table. Gotta say, Ryan can throw one hell of a party. I sat down on the couch grinning wildly watching Havoc and Ryan arm wrestling. I wouldn't want anyone else to be on my team.

"My money is on Havoc!" I tossed ten glimmer on the table and Ryan laughed using a burst of energy to win.

"You cheated!" Havoc chuckled and Ryan shrugged taking the bet money.

"Nah, you just suck!"

Damn. What a night.


I lay in my bed now, rubbing my arm, my bad one, I'm still not used to it. I lost my arm so long ago yet it feels like it's still there. Alessia lay beside me, totally knocked out. I can't blame her. She can drink all of us under the table. I looked up at the ceiling, a fan spinning silently in the night.

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