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"Sounds like a plan. I'm glad you two are finally having a formal one! You deserve it. I'll talk to the speaker and get the arrangements ready. Ryan is already on the way to Venus to retrieve Alessia. All is falling into place." X rubbed his hands together like a mastermind. "Go get ready, today's the big day"

I thanked him a thousand times before running off towards the armory to get ready.

X's P.O.V
"So how's it sound?"

"Doable. I'll have my team start preparing immediately. David deserves this. After all he's done for us. Give him my regards if I cannot make it." The speaker handed me a wrapped box and I nodded my thanks.

"He will be grateful." I waved goodbye and stored the box in my inventory. My ghost, Chasm appeared beside me relaying a message from Ryan.
"Hey X, I'm a few hours out from Venus, I should be back in the next ten hours. Plenty of time to finish prepping. See you then." The video shut off.

"All is going according to plan" Chasm whizzed around my head cheerfully and I couldn't help but laugh.

I looked out over the Tower main courtyard at the hundreds of volunteers ready to start working. "Let's get started!"
Everyone cheered and went straight to work putting everything together perfectly. The buffet tables in the back, the seats lined up from the postmaster to the vaults, in dozens of rows, all neatly kept.

I watched for hours from a high ledge as they went on the set up banners, and more tables for guests. A few hours after, security arrived and I directed them to their posts. The chief of security, Havoc. He couldn't miss it.

Guardians from far and wide came to see this spectacle. It was amazing seeing everyone working together. Warlocks, Titans, and Hunters alike. Like a well oiled machine.
I'd know something about that.

"Its all is coming along perfectly!" Shade flew up beside me stopping beside Chasm, and engaged in a conversation about outfit colors. I shook my head and leaned over the railing, getting lost in thought.

A Hunter's Pride حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن