The arbour is still abundant with autumn-blooming roses and situated underneath is a bench; a huge slab supported on one side by a stone lion and on the other by a stone bear. Laying my cloak on the cold stone, I bid her sit.

Feeling need to make amends, I apologise, "Elissa, I am truly sorry for the position I put you in last night."

"I don't understand why you didn't tell me that you are royalty."

Heart in my mouth, I try to explain. "All my life people have treated me in certain ways because of my position. You are the first person who has acted completely unguarded around me and I did not want that to end. Each day I grow fonder of you and wish for you to like me, Aren the man, not the prince. Please forgive me for not finding the courage to tell you sooner."

"I admit that I was hurt that you did not trust me. My previous life was based on a lie." She looks down, obviously struggling with painful memories, causing me to feel even worse for not being truthful.

Hope flickers when she takes my hand and I weave our fingers together. Facing east, we watch the sunrise, only I find my gaze being drawn back to Elissa, bewitched by the way her skin and hair seem to glow in the dawn light.

She turns to find me staring and her brow crinkles cutely.  "You're not looking at the sunrise."

"I cannot tear my gaze from your radiance." The words are heartfelt, but I worry that they might sound trite.

"Aren!" she softly admonishes and shyly looks down.

Unable to wait any longer, I gently cup her face with my hand and at long last our lips meet. A soaring sensational fills me, not unlike gliding on a thermal. Yet I come crashing back to the ground when Elissa goes limp in my arms.

It becomes hard for me to breathe until I witness the reassuring rise and fall of her chest and realise that she has just fainted. I lie her on the bench, with her head in my lap and stroke her silken hair, praying silently to the gods that she is alright.

It is not long before her eyelids flutter and she gazes up at me. "What happened to the lightning storm?"

She must be disoriented. I gently respond, "There was no storm."

I help her to sit up.

"So, you didn't just chase me in your tiger form?"

The tiger's ears perk and I shake my head.

"Or call me kitten when you caught me before giving me the most amazing kiss of my life?"

Stifling a smile, I shake my head again. "Regretfully, no."

She touches her lips. "But it felt so real."

"I am more than happy to work on the kissing. We could start immediately. Just try not to faint again."

"Only if you don't send me to sleep," she retorts cheekily.

My eyes widen in mock offence and I go to grab her, but Elissa ducks away and runs off down the hill towards the gardens. Laughing, I set off in pursuit and finally catching her, sweep her off her feet.

Gently placing her on the ground, my fingers linger upon her waist, reluctant to let her go. She rests a hand on my chest to steady herself and glances up at me. I am caught in the green of her eyes.

This time when I gently kiss her, there is thankfully no fainting. In fact, it is perfect. She is perfect. I smile against her soft, warm lips.

Hand in hand, we run down to the castle and burst into the bustling kitchen. The head cook approaches us, her hands on her matronly hips, but there is a glimmer of a smile on her face.

I give her a boyish grin. "Can we steal some food? I do not wish to go to the Hall to break our fast."

"You always were a rascal." She flaps me away with her apron. "I will send up a girl with a breakfast tray."


I am dragged away from Elissa's side by a messenger saying that mother wishes to see me.  I saunter in to my parents' private reception room to find her seated by a table laden with afternoon tea.

"You summoned me, mother."

"Aren, my own heart. I just wanted to see you and ensure that you are settling back in alright."

I slouch on a chair, one leg draped over the arm and grab a delicate little cake from the selection on the table, popping the whole thing into my mouth. She gives me an indulgent look and pours tea into a bone china cup.

"I wonder if you would like to invite Belinda as your guest at the high table tonight."

My face hardens. "No! I already have a guest."

"I understand that you are grateful to the girl, however, it is not fair to raise her expectations and you know how courtiers like to gossip."

"Her name is Elissa and I mean for her to dine at my side at every meal possible. If you do not wish her at the high table then I will take a seat at one of the lower tables."

Mother sighs. "Aren, I love you dearly, but you can be impulsive. Elissa seems like such an innocent thing and you have both been through such an ordeal. Tread lightly, for I do not wish either of you to be hurt."

"Elissa is like no other I have known. I could never hurt her," I insist. "Anyway, if you are worried for heirs, then Leo can always marry well."

She shakes her head. "Just behave."

I flash her my most charming smile. "But of course, mother."


AN - This chapter is dedicated to Alicia Fairytale_Fabler thanks for all your support & I hope you enjoy the developments.😍

The song is Need the Sun to Break by James Bay. The lyrics sum up how Aren feels:
I need the sun to break, you've woken up my heart
I'm shaking, all my luck could change
Been in the dark for weeks and I've realized you're all I need
And I hope that I'm not too late

The Light of ElysiumWhere stories live. Discover now