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"Please help me Natsu..."



      "Alright since flame brain know where we are and can call the FBI where moving NOW!" He said to his goons. Sherry a girl with pink hair laughed and picked me up and throwing me into a truck. She slammed the door as the others got in besides me. Great in the middle. I sighed as one with blonde hair frowned and looked a me with sad eyes.

    A guy but with black hair did the same. (Rouge) I sighed and growled. "Alright it's just us in this car." The guy said. "I'm sting." He said as he put his hand out and bit it. Sting pulled back.

"I'm Rouge. I'm not all out with his plan." He said and had a key and I'm tied my wrist. I hugged him. "Thanks." I said as blood leaked from my wrist.

Sting who was driving made a turn into a dark alley. "Princess I'm sorry but this is how far we can take you. I'm sorry but bye bye." Rouge said and pushed me out I yelped. They smiled and drove away.

I'm free! I started running down the alley way. Wait this is Why would they just let me off like that? What.

  It's just a test probably. Why did I...I sighed. Let's do this! I ran down to the end of it. Happily people walked around. Wait my clothes. I wore a white t-shirt now stained with blood everywhere and it was shredded. My jeans were also shredded but I could care less. Blood ran down my hair , face, arms, and everywhere. I can't go out in public like this. I ran out the alley way once it was clear and dashed down to an different alley way. This one headed straight to Natsu's.


Almost their. Almost. So close to his house I could touch the side when something grabbed my hair. Pain ran threw me. I screamed so loud. "NATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSU!"

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