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"Okay Dragneel here is the money but I'm coming with you." Gajeel said as Natsu got on his knees and bowed. "Thankyou!" He said and took the money.

"Let's go."

Bad to the bone started playing Gajeel and Natsu wore sunglass that where bad to the bone. They got out of Geajeel's fancy car. They both wore tuxedos with black ties.

They had serious faces on as there hair blew in the wind. Natsu carried a brief case. They walked into a mansion two body guards were at the gate. They had let the two boys in.

An escort walked them to a office. The guy let Natsu and Gajeel in. He shut the door as the two guys walked in.

"Mahahhahahahahahhahah. Have my money?" A guy laughed and turned around in his spinny chair. A Cobra laid around his neck it slithered.

"Yes now where is my Luce?" Natsu growled. "She's doing fine."Cobra laughed. "Bring the money." Natsu brought the case to the desk. He set it down opening it. Stacks of money laid there.

She chuckled and snapped the case shut and took it. "Now wheres my Luce?!" Natsu asked.

"Your Luce? I decided to keep her. She is such a beauty." He said and smirked Natsu came at him but before Natsu could punch Cobra in the face two body guards held Gajeel and Natsu down.

"Get them out my sight." He said as the body guards threw the two boys out. They were pissed.



A door cell opened and that baka Cobra walked in. He came to my jail cell. I sat in a dark corner far away.

"Haha. Hello my sweet love!" He said I almost barfed. "Looks like Natsu brought me the money." He said.

He took a key out and unlocked my cell. The bars door opened I had a chance to run....So I did.

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