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Last time on Trying

"Mahahhahahahahahhahah. Have my money?" A guy laughed and turned around in his spinny chair. A Cobra laid around his neck it slithered.

"Yes now where is my Luce?" Natsu growled. "She's doing fine."Cobra laughed. "Bring the money." Natsu brought the case to the desk. He set it down opening it. Stacks of money laid there.

She chuckled and snapped the case shut and took it. "Now wheres my Luce?!" Natsu asked.

"Your Luce? I decided to keep her. She is such a beauty." He said and smirked Natsu came at him but before Natsu could punch Cobra in the face two body guards held Gajeel and Natsu down.

"Get them out my sight." He said as the body guards threw the two boys out. They were pissed.



A door cell opened and that baka Cobra walked in. He came to my jail cell. I sat in a dark corner far away.

"Haha. Hello my sweet love!" He said I almost barfed. "Looks like Natsu brought me the money." He said.

He took a key out and unlocked my cell. The bars door opened I had a chance to run....So I did.


He took a key out and unlocked my cell. The bars door opened I had a chance to run....So I did.

"Where do you think your going?!" Cobra asked and grabbed Lucy's hair and yanked her back. She screamed in pain as her legs fell under her. The cold hard floor hit her body.

"Get up." He said in a growl as Lucy stayed their in pain. "I said get up!" He yelled and kicked her side. She cried out in pain. She got onto her knees and used her hands trying to get up. "GET UP NOW!" He said and she got up and stood their wobbly.

Lucy looked at him and then raised her leg. "LUCY KICKKKK!" She yelled kicking his balls. He fell to the floor.

With the remaining strength Lucy ran down the hall. The darkness surrounded her. Cobra's snake slithered towards her she yelped as her foot slipped and she fell.

"Down." Cobra said and the snake went back to him. Fear ran in Lucy's eyes.

"Hehe. Wow impressive." Cobra said and smirked. He went up to Luce and picked her up bridal style.


What was I thinking. Cobra held me in his cold warms. He bent down and kissed me on the lips. My first kiss was with a villain. I nearly fainted. His breath smelt and tasted like gross dog shit.

I tried to push him away with my arms but he was way too strong. All I do remember was that he kissed me and I fainted into darkness.

I woke up in a room full of pink. I was on a bed and my arms and hands were chained to the wall. Tears started running down my cheeks.

The door opened as Cobra stepped in. He shut the door after him. He came to the bed and sat next to me.

"Crying?" He asked and smirked. That little bitch-

Did he just kiss my cheeks were my tears were. Ew gross. "Your breath smells like dog shit! Go brush your teeth!" I yelled.

He laughed that damn stupid evil laugh. "You ain't no fucking joker!" I yelled. "Oh really?" He smirked and laughed a super creepy laugh. Why did I say that?!?!

He again kissed my lips. He held my hips as I growled. His tounge made it way to my neck. He again kissing my lips.

Cobra drew away and smirked. He left and came back with some weapons. I whined in fear. He got the belt and whipped it at my face. Sting is just like my dad. Sobs filled the room as he plunged a knife into my shoulder. Pain ran threw my body I screamed.

"Please help me Natsu..."

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