ch. 2

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My mother. I looked down at my feet. I miss her so much. As a single tear slid down my cheek my bangs hid my eyes.

I smiled a fake smiled and looked up. "Thanks!"

I saw her look down. "Thanks!" She said with a fake smile. "Luce. That's just a fake smile." I said.

"Yeah it is. Get use to it." She said and started walking. Get use to it? Hell nah.

I grabbed her hand and started running. She let a scream and I looked at her. "Uh. I'm fine." She said and started running. She followed barley. After I stopped we found ourselves at the beautiful cherry blossom tree. She looked up at it.

I started climbing it as she did the same. We sat down on a branch as she looked at me.

"Lucy did something happen to your mother?" I asked.

She looked down as her bangs hid her eyes. She stayed silence.

"Why are you being so nosy? You think you can come into my life like that?" She asked.

The Lucy I know wouldn't be rude and mean. I sighed.

"Please Luce." I said as she looked the other way trying to hide her face. Tears. They slid down her cheeks.

"Luce. Your crying!" I said and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me close.

"Natsu my mother is....Dead." she said I looked at her.


I couldn't stop crying. I hugged him and cried. "She was murdered." She said. "And I witnessed it." She said.

"I'm sorry Luce. " I held her. "The blood on the floor and the screams. " I whined. It repeated in head. Every time I thought about and remembered the sene the screams got worse.

"Luce please stop."  He whispered.

"The bloddy knife moving in though out her chest." I said remembering it all. The pain.

"Stop. Please." He asked.

"Who would have know the person who killed her was...."

'Jude.' I said in my mind. Natsu hugged me. "Shushhh." He said as I closed my eyes.

He held me and kissed my forehead as I fell asleep.

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