Chapter Twenty: The Feast

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Chapter Twenty

The Feast

Every year the Gamemakers tell the tributes about a feast. They usually only have one when there's no fighting going on. With the storm, no one has been able to fight so early this morning they said a feast would happen tomorrow at dawn. Cato and I have been trying to put a plan together. The rain stopped a few hours ago and we're going to have to leave the cornucopia sometime soon anyway. So we decided to hunt for tributes until then.

Right now, we're walking through the woods. We have been doing this for hours now. I'm starting to get tired and I know Cato is too. I can hear his uneven breathing and he's pouring of sweat. I'm not out of breath but I am pouring of sweat.

There's no sigh of tributes anywhere. I'm starting to think we're the only ones here. It's so quiet and peaceful. Too quiet. Too peaceful.

"Who all is left?"

"The girl from 5, the boy from 11, both from 12, and us."

"How is Peeta still alive?"

"I don't know. I was certain I cut him in the right spot."

"Katniss probably stopped the bleeding but he can't hold off forever."

"After the feast we won't have to worry about anyone else."

"Everyone doesn't always come."

"You never know, Clover."

Did he just call me Clover on national television? I can feel myself blushing. I look down as we continue to walk.

I hear Cato's footsteps slow to a stop. I look up and notice that we're almost at the cornucopia again.

"It's not even close to dawn."

"I know but you're going to need your rest."


"I was thinking and you deserve to kill Katniss."

Oh great. I'm the one that gets to destroy her sister. I'm the one that gets to break Peetas heart. I'm the one that gets to kill someone's daughter. I just nod and lay down.

Cato shakes me awake a few hours later.

"You remember the plan, right?"

I nod as I place my knifes inside my jacket. I have to act brutal and heartless while I kill her.

"Okay, be careful."

I just nod again.

I hear him sigh then feel his hands on my face. As I look up at him, I see how worried he looks.

"I'll be careful."



He kisses me before letting go and walking away. I watch him until he's out of sight. After watching a table covered in bags appear, I start looking around. Katniss could be anywhere. I can't go get our bag until Katniss runs to get hers.

After a few minutes, the girl from 5 runs and grabs her bag then runs back into the forest. She's no harm to us at all. Cato thinks she'll die on her own soon enough. So we won't have to do it.

Katniss darts off towards to the table and I run after her. When I get 3 feet from her, I take a knife out and throw it. I curse under my breath as it flies over her head. I barley missed. She grabs her bag and starts running my way. She quickly notices me and shoots an arrow my way. I dodge it and run after her. I tackled her to the ground and hold her hands over her head.

"Where's your boyfriend, District 12? Barley breathing?"

"He's out there, hunting Cato."

She smiles a little then screams,"Peeta!"

I look around but don't see Peeta anywhere. He must be barley breathing then.

"Liar," I say as I smile at her," He's nearly dead. Cato knows where he cut him. What's in the bag? The medicine for Lover Boy? Too bad he'll never get it."

I take a knife from my jacket and cut her forehead. She winces in pain.

"We're gonna kill you just like we killed the little girl from 11."

The words taste like horrible coming out of my mouth. But I can tell the affect they have on her. I see the tears forming in her eyes. I smirk at her and bring the knife down to her lips.

"Wanna blow Lover Boy once last kiss?"

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel myself being lifted. I hit the cornucopia. I wince in pain. Peeta can't be the one doing this. Can he? I open my eyes and see the boy from 11 holding me against the cornucopia.

"Did you kill her? Huh? Did you kill that little girl?" he yells.

"No! It wasn't me! I swear!"

He drops me and I hit the ground, hard.

"I heard you! You said you killed her! Just like you were going to kill girl," he points to Katniss before continuing," Did you cut her up to pieces like you about to do to her?!"

"No! N-"

I see him pick up a stone and bring it above his head.

"Cato! Cato!"

The boy throws the stone at me. It hits my head, hard.

"Clove!" I hear Cato yell.

I see him running towards me. My vision is going in and out. I know that I don't have much longer until I'm gone. I feel Cato's warm hand take mine.

"Clove, clove! Stay with me! Please!"

I try to talk back. To tell him how much I love him. To tell him to win for me. But no words will come out.

"Clove, I love you so much. Please, stay with me. We can still win this. We're going to be okay. I know it," his voice breaks at the last word.

I hear a cannon go off and Cato is fully crying now.

"I'm still keeping our promise. If you die, I die. Remember? I'll be with you soon my sweet, sweet Clover."

Soon after the sound of his footsteps are gone, I'm being lifted. The cold, hard metal is tightly around my body. I know I'm being lifted up to the hovercraft. But wait..

Shouldn't I be dead by now?

Why haven't I died yet?


All dialogue similar to the actual book belongs to Suzanne Collins.

Also all the ideas and characters belong to Suzanne Collins.

Just to make that clear. I am not and will never be the amazing Suzanne Collins.

Have a nice day!

-Hannah (:

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