Chapter Three: Just Friends?

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Chapter Three

Just Friends?

Cato and I have been training partners and friends for three years now. We know everything about each other. Our fears, strengths, and weaknesses. He might be big and strong but a tiny mouse can make him cry. He's terrified of them.

My thoughts are cut short as I hit the ground. I look up and see Cato smirking at me. I roll my eyes and stand up.

"What was that for?"

"You started zoning off plus your outfit was way to clean."

I look down at my brown outfit and frown. There's a huge stain on the right leg now. It's going to take forever to get that out.

"Thank you for considering my appearance."

"You're welcome, smartass."

I chuckled and look around. Almost everyone is trying to show off today. There's rumors that our instructor is picking the person he wants to volunteer tomorrow morning. The Reaping is just days away.

"Are you nervous?"

He gives me a questioning look before saying," About what?"

"The Reaping. Maybe even being picked to volunteer."

"It's not a big deal. We train for a reason. No need to be nervous. If you get picked then oh well. Nothing you can do about it."

"I know but what if you get picked then end up dying in the arena?"

"That's unlikely. You get picked if they know for sure you will win."

"District two doesn't always win, though."

"We win more than most the districts. Now come on, let's do something."

"Okay, want to throw some spears or something?"

"Nah, let's race."


"Yeah, running is always a good way to train. I need to get better."

"Okay, but don't cry to much when I beat you."

He raises his eyes brows at me and smirks," Is that a challenge?"

"It is."

"I bet I can reach the sword station before you can."

I look over and see the swords all the way on the other side of the room.

"It's a bet."

"Okay, on 3."




I take off running, leaving him standing there. The younger kids are staring but I don't care. I reach the sword station and smile. I turn around and see Cato standing there.

"You're still faster than cheetah."

Ever since he learned about cheetahs in history class he's been comparing me to one. They were one of the fastest animals in the world before they all died.

"And you're still slower than a snail."

"Whatever you say, Clover."

I blush at that name. He only calls me that because he knows the reaction he'll get. He smiles at me before picking up a sword.

Training comes to a end and I start my walk home. I dread going home these days. All my father does is complain about how I'm never going to get picked to volunteer and how he wished I would grow. I can't help that I'm small. I'm 5'4 but I can take down a 6 foot male. He isn't proud of that though. He only compliments me on my throwing. Over the years I've gotten really good. I never miss.

As soon as I step off the last step and onto the ground, I hear my name being called. I turn around and see Cato running down the stairs. He reaches me and smiles.

"Care if I walk you home today?"

"Of course not."

We start walking towards my house in comfortable silence. We reach my house and I turn so that I'm facing him.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"No problem."

"See you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

I turn around and start walking to my front door. I walk inside my house and go to my room. I'm just about to sit down when I hear a knock at the door. I sigh and get up to answer it.

I open the door and see Cato standing there. I give him a confused look but he just smiles, shyly. This is a new side of him. I've never been him look shy before he's usually so confident.

"Do you need something?"

"No, well yes, but it's more of a want."

"Well, what is it?"

He runs his hand through his hair and let's out a breath. He leans down so that we are face to face. He's so close that I can feel his breath on my cheek. He closes his eyes then leans in. I feel his soft lips against mine and hesitate before kissing back. He pulls away and I open my eyes.

"See you tomorrow, Clover."

With those words, he walks away.

Should I yell for him to come back? For him to kiss me again?

Wait, he kissed me. Cato was my first kiss. Was I his?

Why did he kiss me? Is he playing with my feelings or does he like me?

I thought we were just friends but maybe there's more to it.

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