Chapter Ten: Interviews

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Chapter Ten


My prep team have been fixing my hair and make up for almost two hours now. They've been putting weird liquids on my face and in my hair. When I asked what it was, they said,' It makes your skin and hair soft.' I don't see the point in doing that. It's not like anyone is going to be feelings of me. I hope not anyway.

Right now, one person is putting make up called eye liner on my face and another one is fixing my hair. I hope they're almost done. The interviews start in 20 minutes and I haven't even got dressed yet.

"Hurry and finish! We don't have all night!" I hear Reno yell.

The one fixing my make up rolls his eyes then stops. He gives me a smile before walking away. I feel all the weight on my hair lighten up then stop all together. I wish Reno could have yelled about an hour ago. That would've been nice.

I hear footsteps then see her standing in front of me with a orange dress in her hands. I force myself not to make a face. Orange isn't my color at all.

"Well, just don't sit there. Put it on!"

She seems really aggravated tonight. I stand up and slide off my robe. She helps into it then makes me put on fancy shoes. She pushes me in front of the mirror and I smile at my reflection then frown. I don't even look like I have make up on. What were they doing for two hours? My hair looks good though. It's in a high ponytail. My dress is strapless with a bow right under my boobs and it's knee length. I smile at Reno in the mirror.

"Thank you. The dress is really amazing."

"I tried my best but don't get too mad when you see district 12s dress."

"Why would I get mad?"

"Oh, you'll see."

I turn around and give her a confused look. She starts to say something else but my escort tells me it's time to go. I walk with her to the elevator and we get in. She pushes a button and it starts going down. It stops and we get out. I follow her to where the rest of the tributes are. I stand behind Marvel and in front of Cato.

The interviews start a few seconds later. Cesar makes a joke before the girl from district one, Glimmer, walks on stage. She's wearing a pink, see through dress. I roll my eyes and listen to the rest of her interview. It's not very interesting and she doesn't give away what her skill is.

Next, Marvel goes on stage. He starts making jokes and talking about how 'marvelous' he is. The interview ends and it's my turn.

"Now, give it up for Clove Kentwell!"

The crowd cheers as I walk on stage. I sit in the chair beside him and he begins to talk.

"You're looking lovely this evening."

"Thank you, Cesar. You're looking pretty good yourself."

"Oh, you. Can you tell you us what you're skill is?"

"I don't think so but I can say that I never miss. Once you're my target, be prepared to die."

"You're sweet but deadly then!"


The buzzer goes off and he tells me it was nice meeting me. I smile sweetly at him before walking off stage. I walk over to the mentors and they tell me good job. Cato is called out and he looks mad. I can tell it's a act though. He pretty much just tells how brutal is he. It's a lie but no one has to know. The buzzer goes off and he walks back with to us. We tell him good job before walking to the elevators to go to our room. We get there and sit on the couch. We're watching the rest of the interviews before getting some rest for tomorrow.

My mouth falls open as Katniss's dress catches on fire as she turns in circles. The buzzer goes on off and she's still giggling. Peeta comes on next and they start joking around. Cesar gets serious and asks if there's a special girl back home. Peeta admits that there is and Cesar tells him he has to win for her. He tells him can't and Cesar asks why. His face gets sad then he says,'because she came here with me.'

He loves Katniss! I knew something was up between them! Maybe they're in the same boat as Cato and I. Oh my god this is big. Someone turns off the tv and tells us to go to bed. Cato storms out of the room and I hear his door slam. I watch Brutus and Enobaria exchange uneasy looks as I walk out of the room.

I go to my room and shut the room. I get undressed and take a quick shower to wash all the stuff my prep team put on me off. I change into some comfortable clothes before crawling into bed. I cover up and try to fall asleep.

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