Chapter 20- you found me

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Chapter 20- what's next

A week later

Jared managed to plan a whole classy wedding in a week ask him how he managed and he would tell you no sleep and a lot of hair pulling. The older man let Margot pick everything but he was the one who went to all the meetings that needed to happened. The only part Jared had trouble with is getting someone to design a wedding dress in a week but due to his connections with Gucci, he was able to get a designer to make the dress in two days. Margot still wanted to do the whole not seeing each other 24 hours before the wedding which made Jared completely uneasy but he was able to expect it when her friend Scout let her stay at her house.

Scout's apartment

Scout was, of course, Margot's maid of honor she had to be they were best friends through it all and there was no way she couldn't make the maid of honor. Margot walked out of the bathroom in a floor length white gown that had white lace ¾ sleeves. The blonde smiled a little awkwardly "so what do yo think?" Scout put her bridesmaid dress down and hugged her best friend "I think you and your eight months sidekick look amazing. Come here" Margot smiled a walked in front of the mirror as Scout helped to fix up the back of her dress "do you need to sit down, " scout asked as Margot laughed softly "No for the 50th time. I am okay" Scout laughed a little "well you are supposed to be on bed rest not getting married and going to a reception" Margot laughed a little, "The doctor said it's fine" "the doctor also said not to over do it as much as I love weddings. I love you and your baby more" Margot looked at her friend's reflections in the mirror "If anything happens to be I want you to take care of Jared. If when the baby comes anything happens okay?" scout shook her head "nothing is going to happen" "scout" "you shouldn't talk like that" Margot turned around and put her hands on Scout's shoulder "Honey we have to talk like this. Okay. Everyone else has avoided it and I just really need you to hear me out" Scout teared up "Okay. It's just scary that's all" she said biting her lip to hold back tears as Margot said "I know but I don't want Jared to do this alone or our baby or you" Scout hugged her best friend tightly and Margot smiled softly finally someone listened. " are you scared?" asked scout as Margot nodded "I'm scared. I am scared I am going to miss my life with Jared, the baby, my friends and my family and you" Scout finally let her tears fall as she said, "It's not fair." Scout hugged Margot tighter "Hey when I think of everyone else out there in the world that goes through their life alone then I think about the many many years I got to spend with my beautiful best friend Scout. I can't help but feel sorry for them." Scout laughed a little pulling away a wiping her eyes "you are going to ruin our wedding make up you bitch" They both laughed before smiling at each other "if your stupid skinny ass goes away were before I say so we are not best friends anymore" Scout says smiling as Margot laughed a little "got it" the two women teared up again "I love you" Margot said as Scout hugged her again "I love you too M Robbie now let's go change that Robbie to leto" she giggled


The blonde couldn't believe Jared got this church so fast but it made her beyond happy because it was so elegant. Margot didn't want to be given away by anyone just because she liked the idea of doing it herself. The blonde had her bridesmaids walk down the aisle which she followed shortly after the looks on everyone's face could make any girl feel like a princess but the look on Jared's face was the best look she has ever seen. It was joy. Pure joy. Margot took Jared's hands in hers after handing her bouquet of roses to Scout. The couple stood across from each other as the minister started "we are gathered here today to witness the joining of two souls by marriage." the minister went on and one before saying "I've been told you have prepared your own vows to take over please" Jared smiled softly taking a breath before starting "Margot, before I met you I thought my world had everything I needed to be happy. I had nothing else to compare it to, then you walked into my life and everything changed. I realized how empty my world was without you in it, and my old life was no longer capable of making me happy... not without you. I love everything about you, Margot. I love the way you challenged me like no one ever has. I love the way you look at me like no one ever has, and I love the way you love me like no one ever has. I can't imagine spending my life without you, and if you say "yes" to me in a few minutes, I won't have to. You look beautiful by the way." Margot teared up yet again before she smiled softly starting her own vows "Jared before I met you my world revolved around one thing... me. And I liked it that way on my own, but then I met you and you saw through the facade. You saw me. You've taught me to trust, how to let someone in, and what it truly means to fall in love. I can't possibly describe how much I love you, so I'll tell you why I love you. You see the world in a way that no one else does and you appreciate everything, including me. There's no one in the world like you, and if you say "yes" in a few minutes, I'll get to spend the rest of my life trying to see the world through your eyes, appreciating everything, including you... the most unique, wonderful, and terribly handsome man I have ever met" Jared smiled wide before the minister said "If anyone should have a reason why these two shouldn't be married speak now or forever hold your peace" of course no one spoke in that moment which caused Jared and Margot to light up even happier "then I now pronounce husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride" Jared chuckled softly before pulling Margot into his arms and kissing her softly as Margot giggled a little just due to how happy she was.

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