Chapter 1- Welcome To Hollywood

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Chapter 1- Welcome to Hollywood.

The Young Australian Girl's plane had official hit Hollywood the place where people say dreams are made. The 21-year-old got off the plane she just sat in for over 15 hours before she made her way over to the baggage claim desperately looking for her black and white polka dotted suit cases so she could get to her audition with Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese she was almost going in a panic due to the face she couldn't see the baggage anywhere. A small spread across the young women face as she finally spotted her luggage she rushed over quickly grabbing her 4 bags before rushing away looking for her friend who was picking her up. The women heard a squeal which caused her to look around and she saw her good friend Scout Taylor Compton which cause the Blonde women to squeal and drop her bags running over to Scout and jumping on her wrapping her legs around the other women waist laughing hugging her best friend. "It's so good for you to finally be back I missed you so much" Scout said seconds later which caused the blonde women to giggle before saying with her thick Australian accent "I've missed you more I kinda regret leaving but it was stupid to leave the show neighbours behind" Scout completely understood where the women was coming from and nodded "I know Margot you are right now let's get you to the audition" despite wanting to hang out with her friend Scout was right . Margot quickly got her bags following the other women to a slightly used car if she had to place the year of the car she was say maybe 2005. The two women quickly packed the many bags into the car before the quickly took off not wanting to be in the LAX traffic anymore. Margot reached into the back seat of the car grabbing a bag she kept all her cosmetics in after getting a hold of the bag she straightened herself out pulling down the visor that was connected to the roof to expose the mirror where she started to apply the Cosmetics. While Scout drove the other women to the audition they just had a long awaited girl talk where the dished about the ex nightmares they both had by nightmares they meant there ex-boyfriends they both had. Scout's ex boyfriend was the lead singer of popular rock band Black Veil Brides they broke up after she found out he had been talking to another girl behind her back and Margot was dating some model douchebag that doesn't deserve her attention let alone her. The car ride mainly consisted of gossip and saying how much they missed each other which made the 30 minute car ride only feel like 5 minutes. Once they reached the place the auditions were being held Margot looked back at scout with a huge smile "This might just be my big break" Scout laughed softly "this will be you are the most talented actress I've ever met in my life" Margot blushed a little at the compliment before she laughed softly "Thank you Scout Do you wanna come sit with me?" Scout laughed a little "sure I'll go park so you go change" Margot looked down at the clothes she was wearing which consisted of some dark grey Joggers and a black pull over that stopped at her waist. She laughed a little nervous and grabbed the bag she packed already just for her audition. Scout pulled off to go park as Margot ran into the bathroom where her audition was being held she went into one of the stales changing into a Black Herve Leger V-Neck Bandage Dress that hugged her body in all the right places even she had to admit she felt sexy just like Namoi should she then stepped into a pair of Christian Louboutin Lady Daf 160mm Pumps Black Suede Red Bottom Shoes. Margot walked out of the stale as Scout walked in and let out a wolf whistle at Margot which cause the blonde women to laugh as she took out her brush and brushed her mid back length blonde hair before she looked over at scout handing her the bag "can you hold this for me" Scout of course agreed and the duo walked out of the bathroom and over to where all of the other girls were. The two girls continued on with the conversations they were having the car which caused a couple of the girls around them to jump in and start chit chatting with them. Margot was one of the very last women to be called by the secretary which caused her be a little nervous but she shook those nerves off so she looked confident to the group of people she was about to perform in front of. The blonde women followed the dark haired secretary till she saw the one and only Leonardo Dicaprio and Martin Scorsese which cause the nerves to circle back but the young actress knew better than to show that she wasn't confident. Leo handed the younger blonde women a script "let's start going through a scene and see if we like you" he said very kindly which cause Margot to relax slightly. The women smiled softly and mentally read through the lines and smiled at Leo "I'm ready when you are" she told in the Australian accent she naturally had which will be the last time these two men hear. The very experienced actor in front of her nodded before he said "Alright start" Margot took a deep breath giving herself a little time to get the Brooklyn accent she knew she could do well out in that time she looked at the script before looking at Leo and saying "Wake up you piece of shit. Who's Venice" the Brooklyn accent spot on which cause the casting director and Martian to smile and Leo replied with "Who who" to where Margot said "who who who what are you a fucking owl who is she" Leo then stumbled on the words like the script said to "I don't what the fuc" Margot interrupted like the script said with "some little hooker you fucking last night" which Leo replied with "what the fuck are you talking about no way baby no" "You were calling her name in your sleep" Leo replied with "are you out of your fucking mind? I don't even know what Venice means? That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard." Leo threw his hand up to his head "that's right me and Donny were investing in a condominium in Italy." Margot raised an eyebrow before continuing the accent she was so good at with "You were investing in Italy?" Margot character questioned "Not Italy in California" the blonde replied with "Oh California. You're a lying piece of shit" to where Leo went to grab her arm as said "Dutchess baby" the nickname Leo's character had for Margot's to where she replied "don't you fucking Dutchess me. Do you really think i don't know what you are up to? You're a father now Jordan you're a father now and you are still acting like an infant" Margot yelled before Leo smiled wide and looked at Martin saying "let's run through the other fight scene with her" The Director who looked clearly impressed by Margot performance quickly nodded before Leo handed her the other Script to which they quickly started going through. Margot accidentally got really lost in the Character and slapped Leo which caused her to gasp and everyone got quiet. The worst possible situations were running through Margot's head before Leo smiled wide and laughed softly "Hit me again" Margot nodded before doing it again and continuing the scene. After they finished Leo hugged Margot to where she hugged back and he looked over at the director Martin Scorsese "she's the one" which caused Margot to smile wide and Martin nodded "I completely agree I'll get everything set up with your manager for payment and we start filming in new york in 2 weeks" Margot Smiled wider and bite her lip trying to hold her excitement in "thank you" she said letting her Australian accent come out again. Margot left her managers information for they could talk to them and Margot left shortly after. The blonde girl ran out to her friend squealing a little before she hugged her friend Scout before saying "I got the part!" Scout smiled wide and hugged her tightly and kissed her friends head "We need to Celebrate" 

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