Chapter 19- Lost Time

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Chapter 19- Lost time

Jared and Margot walked into the house they shared with heavy looks on their faces and they were met with worried faces which caused Margot to tear up and run upstairs. Jared watched as she ran upstairs before sighing and turning to her family and said: "Margot has something called Placenta previa." Margot's brother Cameron stood up speaking for almost everyone when he said "What is that? What does that mean" Jared took a breath before saying "Well, it means she runs the risk of hemorrhaging during pregnancy or during delivery" Margot mother spoke softly "o-okay but her and the baby are going to be fine right?" the oldest male in the house made a face before saying "If everything goes perfectly" Lockie spoke up saying "come on what happens if everything doesn't go perfectly?" Jared looked away rubbing the back of his neck before saying "We could lose them both. Margot and the baby could both die" Margot's family just shook their heads as Jared walked upstairs leaning on the door frame as Margot was sitting on their bed crying "don't say it." Margot managed to get out as Jared sighed "Margot, the doctor even suggested it" the blonde looked up at her new boyfriend and shook her head "I know you have never been a fan of the idea of having children but will not take this child's life to save my own." Jared sighed before walking into the room and sitting across from her "Margot, I don't wanna lose you. Fuck I can't lose you for god sakes. I just got you" The younger women leaned up and cupped her new boyfriend's cheek "I've almost made it through this pregnancy 7 more weeks and they said they will let me give birth" Jared was about to argue before Margot put her hand over his mouth "shh, you are winning this fight. Now I'm going to go take my family to the airport" Jared shook his head before removing Margot's hand from his mouth "No, I will take them and you can ride with" Margot rolled her eyes playfully before smiling "fine"


Margot hugged her family a little tighter as she said goodbye part of her wanted to jump on that plane with them but her heart knew she couldn't do that. She had to prepare for her death as morbid as that sounded she rather be prepared than leaving her child asking questions after questions about her. The family of the young actress hesitantly boarded their plane back home but her mother wouldn't go. It wasn't that she wouldn't go she refused to go. "Mom, you need to go home and be there for all of them if something is too happen" Sadie shook her head "you are out of your mind. I am not leaving you now. I will be here every single day even if something bad is to happen. I will not leave you." Margot shook her head and hugged her motherly tightly. The hormones were kicking her ass lately which was kinda of embarrassing because Margot rarely allowed people see her cry now she was allowing the whole LAX airport.

* 2 weeks later*

Jared sat in his office reading over some script that was sent to him by a director buddy of his. Jared took his reading glasses off looking up seeing a pregnant Margot standing in front of him "what are you doing out of bed"' the older man questioned which caused the girl to laugh "the doctor said to take it easy not bed rest." Jared raised an eyebrow before chuckling "back to bed now Margot" the blonde shook her head before walking over to him and sitting his lap "Jared, I'm not a child you can't make me do things" The man held Margot close and kissed her shoulder "I know. I just want to keep you safe from this." the blonde giggled a little before saying "Marry me" that statement caused the older actor to go quietly which caused Margot to turn around and sit on the desk "Please" the actress said smiling. Jared shook his head 'No, I'm not going to marry you because you think you are going to die. I'm not going to have some type of shotgun wedding" Jared said getting about to walk out as Margot said "No, I just wanna be your wife. I don't care that I might die. If I do then I can be happy knowing that for a few short weeks I was your wife but If I don't then we can be married" The star shook his head "no, we will get married later. After you have the baby" with those words Jared walked out slamming the office door leaving a crying Margot.

Shannon's house

Jared just got through explaining the situation to his mom and brother. It was just his luck the one time Jared needed both of them they were in the same spot. Constance hugged her son tightly as he cried "she asked me to marry her because she is convinced she is going to die" Shannon looked at Jared and patted his brothers back sighing a little "Maybe you should. Why not man?" Jared looked at his brother like he was crying "because the fact she is basically signing her life away by marrying me" "it's her life man" Jared shook his head before laying his head on his mom's shoulder "what do I do mom"

Back at the house

Margot was sitting front of a video camera as she held up her old iPod touch "This iPod has music that you can set your life to it has Metallica, The Cure, Mathew Ryan, James Bay, Halsey, Beyonce, Motionless in white, Kanye West, Audio slave and my personal favorite 30 seconds to mars". The blonde took a deep breath before continuing "Music always helps. No matter what you are going through so, if you flunk a big test or you have a really bad break up or you just miss someone sad bad it hurts." the blonde was now choking up with tears as she said "Then listen to my playlist a hundred songs to save your life and it should help" the blonde put the iPod back in her box of treasures as she looked at the camera "and if you ever wanna mess with your daddy just call him Jordan Catalano" Margot laughed a little at her own joke before tearing up again "A best friend. Okay, this is important be wise in picking a best friend. I got really lucky with mine. My best friend is funny, intelligent, creative, beautiful, successful and very kind and she's also impulsive, frustrating, complicated, childish but I wouldn't have her any other way and the very best part about Scout Taylor-Compton is that she always puts her friends first. So if you are in any kind of trouble now you know who to call. I can't think of anyone watching over you" She said smiling before taking a deep breath and continuing "being a kid without a mom really sucks and if you're watching this that means that you are in that place too and for that I am so sorry but if you need a mom and dad fix then you have Kim and Kanye for that." The women took her box of stuff she had for her child if the baby were to ever need it and she smiled before saying "I really hope we can do all of these things together but just in case they are all right here" she said tapping the lid of the box "now there is just one thing I need from you" The tears fell down her face and her voice was cracking as she said "Please take care special care of your father because If I am not around then he's gonna need you to take care of him" the tears were falling as she continued "so love him and take care of him. Just please do that for me" Margot turned off the camera as Jared walked in "what is this?" said the older male "I just thought I should" Jared shook his head "No, No you said everything is going to be ok. You said" he said taking the box as Margot stood up "ok but if it isn't then I want our child to be able to remember me. It's just in case" Jared shook his head "our child is not going to have to remember you. Our child is going to know you. No, we aren't doing this Margot" "Jared" "a death video? A sad box of stuff? I'm not having any of this. I mean what's next?" Margot bites her lip before saying " I wanna get married" "absolutely not. You need to take it easy. After you have this baby then we can talk about this" "I want to get married" Jared was on the verge of yelling as he said "why? Why is it so important to do it now" Margot's voice cracked as she said "Because" Jared shook his head "we are not doing anything just in case okay?" Margot was about to say something but she knew it was useless "I'll be in my office. You should be in bed" Jared said before leaving Margot in what was supposed to be the baby's room. Margot yelled out "Thank you!" the tears made it impossible for her voice to be normal as her voice cracked again "I love you too by the way"

*Later that night*

After going through the box Jared took a deep breath before reaching into his desk drawer and getting out a velvet box. He opened it too revealing a Sterling Silver band ring with a 4 karat diamond in the middle which was of course surrounded by little diamonds. The older male took a breath before taking the box of stuff Margot prepared for their child and he grabbed the velvet box. Jared walked out into the living room where Margot was sitting reading some script that she was sent and Jared sat down next to her facing her with the box "There's one thing missing." Margot smiled at the box "what's that" Jared took out the engagement ring that he bought on his way home "our wedding photo" Margot smiled wide "really? We can get married right away?" Jared smiled softly "Sure. Only if the doctor says it's ok" the older man took her hand in his and slide the engagement ring on "and it's not because of the baby or our situation or any damn thing. I want you to be my wife because I love you." Jared chuckled a little "I love you with all my heart" The blonde was tearing up again and she kissed him softly "I love you too" she said once they pulled away. 

Lost In The City of Angels (Jargot FanFic) (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum