Chapter 5- Fear

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Jared yawned while sitting at a traffic light that seemed like it was taking forever then older male heard his phone make a noise which caused him to turn his attention to it. The message was from his brother asking if he got home safely to which he replied that he did. The light turned green and Jared placed his phone to the side not wanting to get distracted by it within 10 minutes the long haired man showed up outside the apartment building Margot was living at. A hundred things were running through his head and they were all mainly just saying the same thing over and over again which was Don't mess this up like you did with Cameron. The relationship ended due to Jared being distant from her which he completely understood he would've left her if she did the same thing. He finally rubbed his eyes before opening the car door getting out of the car before walking up to the apartment that Margot said was her apartment. He knocked on the door biting his lip nervous which was different for him because Jared is normally cool and collective when it comes to women but now he has butterflies in his stomach what is she doing to him. The thoughts in the older gentleman's head were interrupted by a small voice saying "well hello there" Jared looked at the beautiful green/blue eyes that were in front of him "Hello beautiful" Jared said as he smiled softly. Margot moved aside letting him walk into the small apartment she was really proud of the fact that she owned her own apartment. "So... do you want a drink?" Margot smiled asking as she walked into the kitchen "Yes please just a water is fine" Jared said to the girl before he sat down on the couch. A few moments later Margot walked over with a water and a small glass of red wine that she poured for herself. Jared watched the young women taking the curves of her body making a mental image of her body before Margot started asking a few questions. The man answered the questions with a smiled and after about an hour of trading different topics Margot asked: "Do you wanna watch a movie?" Jared smiled softly before shrugging 'Sure why not?" It was already 12:00 am but he truly didn't care because he never wanted to this moment to end. Margot put on a random movie before sitting back down next to Jared and he put his arm around her shoulder and Margot laid her head on his chest which was kinda boney due to the fact he was so skinny for his movie role.

-A few hours later-

Jared woke up and shook his head a little before he looked down seeing a women arm wrapped around his thin torso before he followed the arm seeing the beautiful blonde at peace sleeping which caused him to smile. He moved a little before he picked her up walking her into her bedroom laying on the bed pulling the cover over her. He smiled turning away when he felt a hand grab his wrist which made him turn back looking down at the tired blonde "Please just stay with me" which caused him to smile "let me go lock up your apartment then I'll come back" she nodded before he walked out to the living area locking up the apartment. He walked back into the bedroom walking to the opposite side of the bed slipping his shirt off and his pants before he laid down next to her. Margot felt the shift in the bed and smiled she rolled over laying her head on his chest again smiling. He ran his finger through her soft blonde hair as he felt her wrap her arm around his torso again "Jared" he heard her say which he replied with "what's up?" she smiled softly feeling her cheeks become red and hot "You give me these weird butterflies and make me feel like a teenager and It's kinda scary" she admitted in her sleepy stage. The man face had a huge smile on it thankfully it was dark and she couldn't see the probably creepy Joker-like smile he had right now "I know how you feel Margot. It's scary because I'm terrified of these feelings they don't usually end well for me" he heard a light snore which caused him to chuckle and kiss the top of her head "You are too perfect for words"   

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