Chapter 9- never someone as cruel as you

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One week later

Margot was on set of Dallas Buyers club watching Jared or more like studying it was amazing to her in more ways than one on how he really became Rayon. It was everything. The voice, the movements, the interactions he had with people it wasn't Jared it was Rayon which completely boggled Margot's brain. How could he completely lose himself in a character? The blonde was interrupted by Jared or better yet Rayon slapping her ass "come here honey" Rayon's voice said which cause Margot to laugh and roll her eyes "coming Rayon" she said as Rayon took her back to her trailer. Rayon took her wig off and sat down on the couch and
Pulled Margot into her lap "I feel like I am cheating on my FWB" Rayon laughed softly "Oh honey, please. You know you are way too good for him" Margot blushed a little and shook her head "no he's too good for me" Rayon laughed before Rayon leaned up and kissed her softly and Margot returned the kiss. Margot pulled away after a few minutes and laughed a little "why are you a pretty girl than me" it was clear Jared was back as he laughed softly "there is no way any women is pretty than you" he said kissing her nose which caused Margot to laughed and wipe the lipstick off her nose "well I have to leave for England in tomorrow to shoot for that
movie with director Tom Ackerly" she said. Jared nodded before Margot continued "so what is going to happen with us while I am over there?" Jared knew what she was hinting at and he was mentally beating himself up for letting it get to this point "well I guess we just keep talking calls, texts and face time. If I can figure out how to work it" Margot nodded feeling a little hurt by the fact he wasn't willing to make her his girlfriend "alright well I should go and get packed then I guess just meet me at my apartment" Jared nodded as Margot finished and she got up grabbing her purse leaving the set and rushing back to her apartment. She took a shower before she started packing her bag for the trip. It's was about 7 hours later when Jared showed up and sat on her bed "it's about a 6 hours difference so I'll try to call early in the morning" Margot just nodded "yeah alright" she said very blandly which caused Jared to raise where his eyebrow would normally be "you alright?" He asked standing up walking over to Margot and putting his hand on her shoulder and she moved his hand off of her "I am just a game, aren't I? A game that you can call, or text when you want sex then I am nothing anymore." Jared shook his head "no that's not it at all." Margot laughed "yes it is. You always say how perfect I am but apparently, I am not to perfect if I can even get you to ask me out" Jared shook his head "no it's not that! I love you! I just" Margot had tears in her eyes and shook her head "you just what? Huh?" Jared sighed "I am just. Never mind" he said walking off "run away from your problems Jared. That's exactly what your dad did" Margot covered her mouth as she said her final piece. Jared turned back to her "you know I felt bad about making you cry and not telling you how I feel but thank fucking god I didn't because I would never want to be with someone as cruel as you! I would never use what happened with your father against you ever!" Jared was now in front of Margot and she went to grab him "I am sorry Jared please" Jared took his arm away and walked out "Fuck you" Margot sat down on the bed in tears as she shook her head shaking from her emotions.

2 months later

Margot was playing on her phone as she sat next to her boyfriend Tom Ackley. She decided to look up herself on google to see what the tabloids were talking about and of course, it was "Wolf on wall street actress was seen cuddling up to new director" she rolled her eyes not caring if anyone knew anymore. She loved Tom. She did but both her and Tom knew that she loved Jared more which bothered Tom but not in the way it would bother most men. It bothered Tom more that she wouldn't admit that to Jared and it's wasn't that she was scared it was that she knew Jared hated her.

Shannon and Jared

He saw as another text from Margot's number flashed across the screen "I am sorry Jared. Please just call me" she sent him that text every day since the fight they had. He knew that she was sorry but he didn't reply because he didn't want to put himself in the position of love again. Shannon could tell something was up with his brother as he pushed him a little "speak up Jared" Jared sighed and just spilled his guts "I fucking love her. I can't explain this at all. She is perfect. She does things to me that I couldn't believe" Shannon nodded and put his arm on his shoulder "call her Jared" the blue eyes man looked at his brother and nodded. He walked out of the house to the back yard and called Margot phone and got an answer from the blonde "hello" her thick Australian accent came through the phone. "Hey, how are you," he asked as he could hear the smile in the women's voice "I've been better but I'll admit it's better hearing from you" Jared smiled before he heard his brother hitting the sliding glass door and putting the iPad to the door. Jared walked up and saw the article but TMZ. The TMZ article was saying that Margot was cuddling up to the director of her new film. Jared took a breath before saying  "oh I have to go Shannon just thought of a new song we should put on the record" Jared hung up and had tears in his eyes before he punched the wall next to him "fuck"

TMZ article



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