The Toddlers

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"What if we do a secret knock?" I ask Lauren as we approach Normani and Dinah's front step, looking forward at their door.

"Like this?" Lauren bangs her fist against the door, knocking twice then leaving a pause and knocking once again one more time afterwards.

I nod, shrugging slightly. "Yeah, that was good." A smirk crawls onto my face, causing Lauren to stare at me with wide eyes. "But I was thinking more like this." I knock on the door five times, leaving a pause of empty space before knocking twice on the door again.

"I applaud your rhythm, but mine is better." Lauren dips her head, going to place her knuckles on the white door again. The door suddenly swings open, revealing a very tired Dinah. When she sees our faces, she scoffs, blowing some hair from her face.

"Of course it's you guys," Dinah mumbles, stepping to the side, allowing us into her home. "Who else would be having knocking competitions on our front door?"

"Sorry." Lauren and I murmur, rubbing our necks in embarrassment.

"It's fine," Normani says, swinging around the corner of the wall. She walks to us, a broad grin on her face. "I enjoyed the music."

"Mani!" Lauren exclaims, flinging her arms around her friend's neck, pulling her into a tight hug. Dinah glances over to them, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Walz." Dinah addresses me, laughing softly while ruffling my hair.

"Cheechee." I grin back, giggling.

Tiny feet echo their way into the living room. Dinah shuts the door once she hears the noises, gesturing us indoors more. "Make yourself at home." Normani reminds us, taking our jackets and hanging them up.

"Mama!" A small voice shouts, followed by more feet. "Opal opened her eyes!"

A little girl appears at Dinah's side, tugging at her shirt. The toddler has medium-length, unruly, brown hair and a fair complexion. She wears dark green pajamas and black socks. Her blue eyes are wide as she gazes up at her mother.

"Alyssa," Dinah scolds, picking up her daughter. Alyssa straddles her side, placing a hand on Dinah's shoulder. "Opal was sleeping. Did you wake her?"

"No!" Alyssa shouts, shaking her head vigorously. "It was Beckett. I told him not to. He does not listen!" She pouts, tilting her head downwards.

A little boy stumbles into the living room, waving his arms around. He has light brown, short, curly hair and dark blue eyes. He wears purple pajamas and black socks. A ring with a white jewel in it shimmers on his index finger.

"I didn't do it." He protests, jutting his bottom lip out. He then notices Lauren and I. He takes a step back behind Normani's legs. Dinah sets Alyssa down, allowing her to join her brother.

"Alyssa, Beckett," Dinah says, looking at her children. She points to us. "That is Lauren and Camila." Normani turns around and disappears down the hallway without a word.

"Hello, darlings." I coo, bending down to my knees to match their height, waving slowly at them. Lauren moves beside me, running her fingertips over my scalp. At first, the siblings don't smile, but soon Alyssa cracks a lopsided, large, toothy grin.

"Hi!" She giggles, wobbling over to us. She stops a foot away from me, studying my face. Tilting her head, her grin grows. "You're pretty." She squeals, jumping up and down excitedly. I find myself smiling at the little girl. She glances over to Lauren, looking up to see her face.

Alyssa sticks up hands up, making her hands into fists them relaxing them again repeatedly. When Lauren casts Dinah a confused look, Dinah leans in and whispers, "she wants you to pick her up."

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