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You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master to Darth Vader



"Anakin! I bear great news!" Natalia said while clapping her hands, her cheeks were damp from recent tears. "What is it?" Anakin asked, his heart practically leaping into his throat. "I'm pregnant." She said, fresh tears coming from her loving eyes, "It's a girl." Anakin stayed silent as he looked at her, "That-that's wonderful!" He said with a smile, his eyes meant well but she knew something was on his mind. "I'm going to name her Hope." She said with a smile. Anakin smiled as he placed his hand on her belly, "You're going to be a great father." She said with a big smile.

Anakin returned the smile and looked at Caleb who suddenly showed up. "Caleb, you've got a mission on Kaller with Master Bilaba." Natalia told him, he nodded and ran to his fighter. Anakin and Natalia were about to share a sweet moment but were cut off by Obi-Wan. "Natalia, Anakin, come now." Obi-Wan said as he strolled past them. "Master, what's going on?" Natalia asked as she caught up with him. "The Chancellor's been kidnapped by Dooku, we must rescue him." Obi-Wan said. Natalia gasped at the thought of Palpatine being tortured by Grievous. "Well what are waiting for? Let's go." Natalia said as she jumped into her fighter, the three started their fighters and left the flagship's hangar.

"Vulture droids on your left Obi-Wan!" Natalia yelled through her comlink, "This is where the fun begins." Anakin said, his flying skills were reckless as he flew between vulture droids and buzz droids, she watched as he hit all of his targets cleanly, she'd definitely admit he was an impeccable pilot. Natalia reached Grievous' flagship and destroyed the shield generator before landing in one of the hangars, she jumped out of her fighter and did a somersault from it as it exploded behind her. She took out her lightsaber and destroyed any droid who went near her and waited for Obi-Wan and Anakin to arrive.

The two finally made it to the hangar and they jumped out of their fighters as well, "I was wondering when you'd join me." Natalia said while laughing lightly. "Obi-Wan, your ship's been destroyed, what happened?" Natalia asked while she looked at Obi-Wan's fighter, it had part of its wing missing and there were pieces that seemed to disappear. "Anakin happened." Obi-Wan said grumpily, but she knew Obi-Wan loved Anakin all the same.

"Let's go, R2 you'll stay in the hangar as we go and rescue the Chancellor." Natalia told him, R2 beeped and turned to the computer outlet to do his droid things. "Come on, let's find the Chancellor." Natalia said, they ran around a corner to see a squad of droids marching around, Natalia pulled the other two back around the corner and hid. "What's the plan?" She asked, "We take them out." Anakin replied as he ran from their hiding place and started taking droids down.

"Okay we'll split up, I'll create a diversion and I'll meet you up at the bridge where the Chancellor is being held, I'll see you there." Natalia said as she took out her lightsaber and started slicing the walls, just as she planned the battle droids started running towards her, taking the pressure from Anakin and Obi-Wan.

She stopped suddenly and used the Force to completely annihilate the droids, she sliced them to bits as she continued running to the bridge. She eventually got up there and met up with Obi-Wan and Anakin again. "Let's go in." Natalia whispered, Obi-Wan nodded and walked into the room, they saw Chancellor Palpatine sitting in a chair, bound by energy binders. "Chancellor Palpatine? Are you alright?" Natalia asked as she ran up to the Chancellor. "Yes, I am fine. But I think you Jedi may have a bigger problem." The Chancellor said, rather frightened.

Natalia spun around and saw Count Dooku emerge from the shadows. "I knew you three would be dispatched to take this task." Dooku taunted, Natalia glared at him and took out her yellow lightsaber, "You're not getting away us this time, Dooku." Natalia said as she pointed the blade at him. "You need to call for help, you're not match for a Sith Lord." Palpatine said, Obi-Wan turned around and gave him his usual sass, "Chancellor, Sith Lords are out speciality." Obi-Wan said with a smirk.

"You have much to learn, Jedi. Too bad you won't be alive long enough to learn anything further." Dooku taunted as their lightsabers collided. "You're a poisonous traitor, Dooku." Natalia said as she pushed him forward, "The Jedi are foolish, they think they are all peaceful but they are no better than the dark siders." Dooku said sharply, "All of us have had a taste of darkness, only the most loyal ones found it bitter!" Natalia yelled over the sound of lightsabers hitting each other.

"You're angry and fearful, why won't you just give in to your feelings!" Dooku taunted, "Shut up!" Natalia yelled as she attacked him brutally, Obi-Wan joined in on the fight but was thrown off of the platform, Natalia couldn't do anything but watch the platform land on her now unconscious friend. This caused Natalia to get angrier. She continued to attack him brutally, but Dooku used the Force and pushed her across the room, her back hit the wall behind her and her head dropped. "I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them." Dooku taunted, but something snapped in Natalia, she used the Force to turn Dooku's lightsaber off and hand it to Anakin, he sliced Dooku's hands off and as Dooku fell to his knees he crossed them over his throat.

"Yes Anakin! Good!" The Chancellor said from his chair, "Kill him." He said sharply, Anakin hesitated for a moment, because he deserves a fair trial. "Anakin no! He deserves a fair trial!" Natalia said from the corner, "Do it." The Chancellor repeated himself, Natalia shielded her eyes as Anakin moved the lightsabers and decapitated the Count.

Anakin freed the Chancellor from the binders but all of a sudden there was an explosion that rocked the ship, Anakin ran to Obi-Wan but Palpatine protested "Come on! We must go! Leave him!" The Chancellor yelled, but this time Anakin didn't listen to Palpatine.

"I'm not leaving him, he's like a brother to me."

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