4 March 2017

37 8 0

Hey You,

I'm totally upset with you over nothing. I can't pinpoint an actual reason, so I'll say it's nothing. Is it because you never text me first? Or is it because I'm just in a terrible mood today.

I went to an old friend of mine's birthday party today. There was a baby there that shared the same name as you. He never wanted to leave me, and I ended up carrying him around. I got pictures taken with him, and I texted it to people saying "At least there's one person in the world with his same name who loves me."

I don't know, I'm not feeling very me like today. I've felt like crying all day, which I guess sounds right. I want to text you, but I don't have a reason to, and you aren't much for just texting for no reason.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. 7 days.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now