13 February 2017

42 8 6

Hey You,
I feel really nervous. I stuck the letter in your locker today, and I have a few options and they all freak me out. I really don't know which one I'm hoping for.

Option A: you haven't gotten the note. It terrifies me because that will mean I'll be around when you get it. A lot of people you associate with are in my first-hour class which freaks me out.

Option B: you got it and don't care. I would actually feel like complete crap if you got the letter I made especially for you and didn't care. It would hurt the less maybe?

Option C: you got it and want to talk to me about it. I don't want to talk about it, everything I want to say is in the letter. I have anxiety about talking to you and you only, which was recently caused. *yay*

Option D: you're ignoring me because you don't feel the same. This one is most logical, and I could probably take the ignoring even though it irritates me to no end.

Option E: you feel the exact same. This would be terrible because of many reasons. Mainly the peer pressure and stuff, but there is also the state of my family in the social class. We are low middle-class and your family is upper middle-class.

I don't know, I really feel anxious for tomorrow if I think too hard about any of it. How am I going to survive tomorrow? There is going to be nasty couple stuff everywhere and nobody will buy me daisies and I just can't stand it.

I like to pretend I'm okay by myself but I want a guy who will hug me and tell me everything is okay when it's not and who'll kiss me forehead or the top of my head while hugging because that'd be frigging great.

That's a hint to you but I doubt you caught on.

Sincerely, Me.

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