18 February 2017

44 9 5

Hey You,

Do you remember the time back in fourth grade on the playground? Let me specify the occasion. It was like any other recess, everyone was either being a douchebag jock or was playing the game everyone knows well; infected. 

I was sitting atop the monkey bars, trying not to fall because I have a lack of balance. You climbed up, you being non-infected like me, and sat by me. You were laughing because all the other kids couldn't figure out how we got on top of the monkey bars and being the little turds they were, they wanted to tag us.

I was staring off into space, waiting for recess to end because I always hated recess, but the time just started. You said something and began rambling. I looked over at you and you gave me a big smile. I smiled (which I realized recently was an ugly smile) and you said it again.

I was your new best friend. You began elaborating, I was nice, quiet, and I let you talk. That's all you needed in a best friend. I didn't realize it then, but I was probably going to remember that moment for the rest of my life. 

After you finished your little ramble I said, "You don't really know me then, do you?" and you replied with "I know you all too well." That was the beginning of our friendship. We'd hide out while playing infected together, you trying to protect me from being infected.

It sounds so cliche looking back, but I don't care anymore. It makes me happy to remember the times we were close. I never really told anyone about this, but I guess I should embrace this since it's part of my history and part of the reason I've become who I am today.

I am Gina, and I was the new girl, but I no longer am. Thank you for helping me with that. I am not the shy little girl stuck in her shell because she was afraid of being hurt. Thank you for also helping with that.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. I doubt you remember this at all because nobody really remembers fourth grade.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now