4 February 2017

54 12 3

Hey You,

You almost confessed your love to me last night. Or at least, that's what I'm assuming. I also made you flustered, which I didn't think was possible. I asked you why you hit me in the hallway. You said it was for acknowledgment... for a guy. 

I asked what the heck THAT was supposed to mean because it was late and I was half-asleep already. You said nevermind and that you had to go, and I replied back "Tootles!" Okay, first of, what the heck brain? Tootles? Really?!? You couldn't have said, "Talk to you later?" 

I hate myself sometimes. You didn't text back, and I'm NOT texting you for the third night in a row. You can deal without my texts for a night, or you can text me first. No ifs, and's, or buts about it, I'm starting to look like a clingy mess- nevermind. I am a clingy mess.

Hey, maybe we could text each other every night. I'm not always going to be the first one to text you, okay? You gotta get out of the comfort zone sometimes, and maybe I'm the perfect thing to get you out- wait that sounds worse than it is. I'm meaning this TOTALLY PLATONICALLY. 

What type of person do you take me for?  Nevermind that question, it's rhetorical. Or you can answer it, but only if it's a good answer, like a cool or awesome person, otherwise no thank you, I'm already judgemental enough of myself.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. Please tell me exactly what you meant soon, I want to know.

Sincerely, MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant