30 January 2017

99 13 6

Hey You,

Today was special. I saw you so so many times, and you were always smiling a big toothy grin at me. When you first saw me today, you snorted trying to contain the laughter. I get it, I look like an idiot but at least I make idiot look good (and I think you'd agree with me) if I do say so myself.

The second time I saw you, you stopped me a bit by standing in front of me. You opened your mouth to say something then ran away. I was confused, but I'm not the easiest person to talk to so I walked away, wondering what it was you had to tell me.

So I went on with my day, caring less about what you thought, until between two classes. I saw you walking down the hallway, I was walking close to one side to where three people could be to my left and one to my right. Nobody was walking close to me, and I began to drift off into space when WHAM you rammed into my shoulder. I was shocked, but you patted my back and walked on.

I didn't know what to think. Did you have your man period? What got into you to make you think that it's okay to act that way? Jeez, and as I'm writing this my arm STILL is a bit sore. You are like skin and bones, how do you manage to hurt someone so bad with such little movement?

It's okay, though because you got over your little ignoring spree. Now you just won't talk to me. It's fine because I know you pretty well and you'll get over that pretty quick because everyone misses me eventually (not to brag or boast but I'm pretty great) and nobody can spend too long without talking to me.

It's been a while, though. You don't seem as happy. I'd like to think that it's because of my schedule change, but it's probably something more personal. I got switched out of the only class we had together, and you haven't seemed as happy this semester, so naturally I want to think it's me.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. I want you to talk to me, so please let that happen soon, okay?

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now