28 January 2017

134 19 2

Hey You,

I'm still upset with you. It's a Saturday, and I feel like I should try to text you, but guess what? I'm not. You don't deserve the attention I feel like I should give you. My friends who know say it's weird that I like you. 

They don't understand, though. I don't like you for how you look, but rather how you act. You're extremely nice to everyone (most of the time [like right now you're being a jerk]) and you've always been interesting. We hung out at football games and acted like complete idiots.

I've gotten you to hold my hand by saying you couldn't beat me in arm wrestling (I won by cheating) and thumb war challenges. You've complimented me on how I build with legos, which normally wouldn't be much of a compliment but it was still sweet at the time. You've worn my fuzzy headbands around and taken goofy pictures with me.

We have silly competitions like who can read better upside down and who has the softest hair (obviously me) and who can build the coolest thing out of legos. You only won the legos because I didn't want your feelings to be hurt.

Now all of these things seem something that just friends would do, but trust me, it's really not. Our mutual friend says that it's adorable how oblivious both of us are but I think that they're trying to play me for a fool. You don't like me, or else you wouldn't be ignoring me.

I like to pretend that you don't hate me, but that's just a state of imagination. It's probably not, but let me be overdramatic with this whole thing.

Sincerely, Me.

Sincerely, MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin