26 February 2017

47 7 0

Hey You,

I haven't felt good about myself recently. You've been ignoring me more than usual. You and my new friend ignored me today, which actually hurt. I had nobody to spill my secrets to, nobody to complain to, and nobody to laugh with. Or it felt like it rather.

I know I shouldn't be hung up with you not liking me back because of the whole strangers admiring you and people you don't realize admiring you, but they will never add up to what I want. They will never equal what I desire, they will never be what I need.

That sounds so much worse, but right now I just need everyone to stop ignoring me and to give me a big hug. I feel awful like I'm not good enough for anyone, especially my friends. I did nothing to deserve them. This probably sounds like I'm throwing a temper tantrum but I assure you I'm not overreacting.

I wish I could get a hug or a conversation maybe but I tend to have extremely imaginative thoughts like you possibly liking me back. That's my favorite fantasy right now because warm thoughts keep me good in this cold house.

Sincerely, Me.

Sincerely, Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن