Chapter 6 - People will always be critical

Start from the beginning

"Peggy!" Maria emerged from the lounge room and tripped over herself slightly before drunkenly embracing Peggy who was mildly sober. "You want to go dance?"

"Can we just talk?" Peggy responded nervously. She was introverted in public situations and definitely not the partying type so her reply didn't surprise any of us. Maria nodded  and they walked into the lounge room.

"Here, take these, maybe it can cure your gayness. Your dad sure wouldn't be proud to know you're still a fag after all his time " Thomas threw a box of condoms at John who grabbed them and completely ripped the cardboard box in half  before chucking the remains in Madison's face.

Trying my best to hold him back from tackling  Thomas, I pushed John away until he pulled out of my grip and punched him in the face. "Jokes on you! My Dad doesn't give a shit about me! He'll never visit!"

"Lucky for him! If your family cared about you, you'd bring them nothing but shame" Jefferson spat and walked off to talk to a young girl.

"John, let's just sit down somewhere" he sat down next to me at the breakfast bar in Thomas' house.

"Alex, you're really cute you know?" John mumbled while attempting to scrunch up a plastic red cup.

He was drunk so he probably didn't mean it. "And you're really drunk so I shouldn't trust anything you say"  John frowned at my remark and lifted up my chin with his fingers. I was about to kiss him when I realised. He's drunk. He looked glumly at me when I shuffled back in my chair and pushed him away slightly. I couldn't take advantage of him, he's drunk.

"GAY PEOPLE SUCK"  A voice screamed. I turned to see a man standing on the coffee table with a piece of paper and people cheering around him.

"I call bullshit!" I screamed and everyone turned to me.

"Hey look! Hamilton, the boy who can't decide between genders has spoken!" Jefferson yelled and people cheered even louder. He pushed a small girl even further away from him and she stepped back, terrified. "Continue Hamilton, you look like you have something to say!" The music died down and soon enough the whole party was glancing between me and Jefferson.

"Being gay isn't  bad, I mean, it doesn't really affect anyone if you are" The small girl beside him muttered. She obviously didn't intend for anyone to hear because when everyone stared at her, her eyes widened and she looked frightened out of her mind.

"Sally, you don't get an opinion on things, you're a woman!" Thomas shouted and I saw tears begin to form in her eyes. I let go of John's hand and ran over to comfort her.

"Hey! Get your hands off my girl!" Thomas shouted and pushed me away, knocking me in he shoulder.

"Well if she's your girl then you probably shouldn't treat her like this!" I snarled back and Jefferson boiled up with anger and slapped Sally on the face.

She began to sob and latched onto me, crying into my shirt. "It's fine, he's worse usually. I'm used to it" I hugged her tightly and noticed scars all over her shoulders. It looked like she had tried them with foundation but it had rubbed off a bit.

"Sally who did this to you?"

"Thomas" she muttered after a few seconds and she sobbed even harder into my shoulder.

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