11. Mall Day

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Let me cut to the chase... Here is chapter eleven!

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Chater 11: Mall Day

It's Saturday and I am getting ready to go to the mall with Keithlin, Sara, Taylor, Ian, Jake and Hunter. (Huge group, I know!)

I put on my jeans, a purple long sleved Roxy t-shirt (To hide the nail marking Carla gave me), black sneakers and a black and purple purse. I put some lip gloss on and looked for my cell phone.

I called Keithlin, since I was going with her, in her mother's car. As always, she didn't answer. That is a really bad habit of hers. My second choice would be calling Sara, if she doesn't answer, I'll call Taylor.

I called Sara:

'Hello Yello!!!' She answered happily.

"Hey Sara, did you call Keithlin?" I asked.

'Samantha! I talked to Keithlin yesterday and she told me we had to wait at Taylor's house, that is... like... maybe ten minutes away from Keithlin's house? Yeah. She'll pick us up there!' Sara basically talked to herself.

"And how am I supposed to get there?! I told mom she would pick me up!" I said nervous.

I didn't want to miss this mall adventure/shopping phenomenon. The mall we are going to is... like... One and a half hours away! Walking was not an option.

'My mom will pick you up in... three... two... oh! Would you look at that? We are here!' Sara said happily.

A honk from my driveway was heard. Nice timing! I hang up, pick my purse, and head downstairs.

"Diviértete! (Have fun!)'' My mom said while I went to Sara's mom's car.

"Bye mom!"

Hearing my mom so happy gives me a pang of guiltiness in my chest. I still haven't told her about Ian and don't plan to. At least, for now. I am counting on Ian to do the convincing and then both the telling part. But I am scared.

This all seems too good to be true. Color de rosa, my mom would say. There are some things in my way like telling my mom and Carla's fury. But apart from that, everything is just perfect. Maybe too perfect. There is just something telling me that everything is just not this easy.

Like this: Yesterday, I got home with my long sleeved hoodie covering my face and arms, so mom would not see the red slap mark and the nail markings on my arms. I skipped dinner and said I was very tired, that I wanted to take a nap. Mom didn't protest or ask what was wrong. She let me have my space to think.

That's a good thing. I waited a whole hour to make sure the slap was gone before heading downstairs. I was sooo hungry. I was also being careful and hid the nail markings.

But that will pass on to history. The nail markings will be gone in less than a week.

Sara's mom waves hello from the driver's seat as I got in the back.

"Hello Yello!" Sara said from the passenger seat.

"Nice timing!" I tell Sara while sitting behind Sara's mom. I wave to my mom good bye and Sara's mom drives away.

"Yeah, I know! Hey mom, remember where Taylor lives, right?" Sara asked her mother, while fixing her hair on the car's mirror.

"Well, of course... I think...'' She answered.

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