2. Those stairs

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Chapter 2: Those stairs!

Taking two stairs at a time, I ran up to the second floor and found the gym teacher's office.  I handed him the folder, exchanging quick pleasantries.  As I closed the door behind me, I let out a quick chuckle. It's the first gym teacher that I've seen that's actually fit.

As I started to head to class, the bell rang.

Damn, I'm late on my first day!  No no no, I can't be late!

I start fast walking. And as I see the empty halls, I start running. 

No way am I going to be late!

I ran down the stairs when this dude came running from down stairs and BAM!!!

Good thing we were both near the bottom of the stairs, or we would have been in a grave accident.

My elbow hit the floor, probably will leave a nasty bruise. But the rest of me thankfully landed on something soft.

Wait, soft?

I found myself staring into beautiful brown eyes, staring right back.  I instantly knew who he was.


Panic mode activated.

Ian, my crush for as long as I can remember. He's just a year older than me. He used to be a chubby short and nerdy kid. But boy was puberty magical.  He grew up to be a smoking hot basketball player. I've had my eyes on him since before his basketball years.

What can I say? There's something about a smart mind that just attracts people.

Nobody really knew about my crush; I liked my privacy. Best prevent Ian from ever knowing.

It wasn't like I talk to him either. We aren't friends.

Ian has pale skin with a perfect body structure.  His hair is caramel colored and has the skater style to it; he's also very tall, easily passing 6'0. His eyes are a rich brown, which gives him the look of a pleading puppy asking for love. And his lips? Oh his lips... I could kiss them all day...

If I knew how to kiss, that is.

This is Ian; 15 years old and liked by all the girls that lay their eyes on him.

H. O. T.


"Erm... are you ok?"

I'm still on top of him!


"Oh gosh, I-I'm so sorry Ian." I quickly stood up.

Damn it! I'm stuttering.

"No problem. It's Samantha, right? It was my fault, not yours." He gave me a quick smile as he stood up.

Bless the mighty gods, for Ian knows my name! How the hell does he know my name?!

"No, it was my fault. I was the one not looking were I was going." I tried to keep an even breathing pattern through this really uncomfortable situation.

I mean, who knocks their crush down the stairs?

"Uh... You know who I am?" Well, I could just face palm right now.

He chuckled whilst my heart fluttered like crazy. 

"Of course I do! You and your friends were the most intelligent girls back in middle school. Everybody knew who you were."

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