77: Ceremony Preparations and Jitters

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. It was a great night." Scott agrees with a smile. I place the photo frame back in the bag.

"There's still one more thing." Scott informs me. I dig around in the bag curiously. Finally, my hand grasps onto a small box. I quickly pull it out. I look over to my boyfriend with raised eyebrows. "Open it." Scott encourages. I shrug and then proceed to open the box. Inside lies a small photograph of Scott and I as kids. We would have been no older than 10 in that photo. The two of us are sitting next to each other at an outdoor table at the park, smiling happily at the camera. There is a sandwich in my hand while there is an apple in Scott's. It looks like we are both trying not to burst out into laughter while the person took the photo. I smile again, enjoying the reminders of our childhood. We have really seen each other grow up over the years and we've been through so much together. "Wow, thank you so much, Scott. You were right. I do love it." I thank him for the whole gift as I close the small box again and place it in the bag.

"Yeah, you can put that photo inside that locket of yours, opposite to your family photo. I thought that now you will always carry around a piece of all the people you love the most. I'm not saying that you don't love the rest of our friends or anything. I think you get what I mean... Right?" Scott explains to me. I turn to him and stare into his warm chocolate brown eyes for a few moments, unable to express my feelings in this moment. "Of course, Scott. Thanks for these amazing presents. I absolutely love them. They're perfect." I smile brightly. Scott beams back in response. I lean over towards Scott and caress his face with my hands as I pull him in for a blissful kiss. Scott kisses back. My eyes flutter closed. The kiss is slow, sweet and loving, but I can still feel the fireworks igniting inside of me. As always, I enjoy the taste of cinnamon and wood on Scott's lips. To me, it's a really earthly flavor. I can feel Scott's hands play with locks of my hair. Scott's cheeks feel smooth and warm under my hands. I wish we could stay in this moment forever, but I know we can't. Slowly, I pull away.

"I'll see you at Deaton's in an hour, okay?" I remind Scott. He nods in understanding before opening up the door and starts to get out of the car. "I love you." Scott says with a smile before he turns away from me.

"Love you too, Scotty." I reply as I watch Scott get out of the jeep, close the door and walks towards his house. I start the jeep's engine again and drive away, with Scott waving goodbye from his house. Once I get home, I see that my dad is already there, waiting for me in the kitchen. He's not in his work uniform either. I wonder how long he's been home? "So, Stiles. Did you enjoy school today?" Dad asks, raising an eyebrow. I close my eyes for a moment groan a little, knowing that I'm busted already. "Look, Dad, I'm really sorry-" I begin to apologize.

"No Stiles, it's okay. You don't need to apologize. I'm just glad that you had a good time. I know you. I know that you would have been worrying and stressing out about tonight if you were at school today. When I see Scott tonight, I'll thank him for taking you out." Dad interrupts me with a smile.

"Wait, how did you know that I skipped class with Scott?" I ask curiously.

"I wasn't born yesterday, kiddo. He's your boyfriend and it's your birthday. Also, I saw that dazed smile as you walked into the kitchen." Dad chuckles and shakes his head.

"Oh. Right." I reply.

"So, are you ready for tonight?" Dad asks me.

"Uh, I hope so." I tell him honestly. Dad pats me comfortingly on the shoulder.

"Don't worry; I will be there to support you the whole time, as will Scott and the rest of your friends." Dad smiles assuringly, making me feel a bit better.

"Thanks, Dad. I love you. I don't know what I'd do without you." I reply with a grateful smile.

"I love you too, son. Now, you probably should go get some rest before the ceremony tonight." He tells me. I nod in agreement and start making my way out of the kitchen until Dad calls me back. "Kara is okay, yes? She got a ride home from school?" Dad asks me curiously.

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