Chapter 19

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I'm so tired.


Hatake was surprised to find me waitig for him in front of his house. It amused me.

It hasn't took long before we went out of the village and beginning the mission - which was easy - just deliver an invitation for the Kazekage himself.

~~ Flashback Time ~~

Shina proudly showed her cooperation with Suzu and other wolves to Jiraya, she indeed grew stronger and that's where Jiraya wanted to stop training the stubborn girl, but it wasn't enough for her. She knew what she'll be asking for and that it'll be a lot to ask and very hard.

"Jiraya-sensei... teach me how to use Senjutsu." she spoke as she turned to him with seriousness written all over her face, the white-haired man instantly rejected causing the Momochi's mood fall.

~~ End of Flashback ~~

I forcefully dragged myself out of the sweet memories, it wasn't time for them anyway. I just can't help but feel slight melancholy. I stayed silent and moved forward, I was used to be fast and certain of my moves, I am not used to being slow and wait for others, so it was a kind of relief that Kakashi wasn't protesting at the pace I threw.

(Sorry guys, I re-watched Jiraya's death and I have strong feels because [*] somebody close to me died, I'll appreciate if you won't make a big deal out of it, [*] they're happier now. Plus I hope that I won't lose my cool in school ever again.)

~ Flashback ~

The black-haired girl in age of thirteen was being held by her throat and she choked as the grip tighten. She had her eyes shut tightly and her legs convulsed slightly with every next second. Suddenly they dropped her on the ground and let her catch the air. There were five or six opponents, all superior, all older, all from the same damn village, those were only reasons why she let herself be treated like this. Besides, did anybody ever treated her differently?

Ever since she could remember she was having those disgusted looks on her back, then it went worse as she became Genin, she was declared Demonish, after that she just went up to Chunin level and then to Jounin, but in the end if it couldn't get any worse - it did. It was cause of Zabuza and people watched over her and suspected a betrayal from her.

She couldn't even get out of her house without ending up beaten.

Mizukage was merciful enough to let her get solo missions.

Now, the fate decided to give her something, but it was her interpretation, it depended on her if she looked at it as a good thing or bad, maybe not thing, but a person.

There was a scolding voice that began to rant getting those pretty bold Shinobi mad and lug at the man. Shina with wide eyes watched as the man with the smirk has beaten them all in a blink of an eye, then he made a weird pose making all amazment go away and she watched with sweatdrop forming on her forehead.

'Is he seriously--' her suspicions turned out to be true, the man got bold and began to show off. She stood up and stared. The white-haired man with the red marking on his face was trying to make a hero-pose-entrace-or-whatever.

In the middle of his speech the six shinobi rolled their eyes and left, they weren't stupid and they'd get Shina later. Who would like to get their butts kicked because of stubborn, selfish and stupid idea facing a guy you're going to lose against?

Genius? More than that.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ