Chapter 10

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Girl heard a knock on a door and walked up to see who it was. She opened the door and saw a tall man with mist headband, he was probably a Jounin and he said that he had some bad news and so dark-haired girl let the man inside and in the same moment Zabuza came and when the man wasn't able to hear he told her to stay behind him.

Shina did as he said and he sat down saying that the bad news were... that their father was slayed on a mission few hours ago, two kids blinked surprised, was it all?

"That's it?" Shina questioned. She didn't even remember her father's face so how could she care for him?

Male was surprised that children didn't react anyway he'd expect them to. But hey, it was Kiri, where kids from that age are taught to be real killers, to show actual no mercy, to kill their commanders if they're going to endanger the mission.

After few moments he left leaving two kids alone.

The only thing that bothered them was if someone is going to try to "Take a Good Care" of them? And so when Shina asked about this her older brother snorted and replied:
"Psh... as if we'd need that. We got this far without their help, we'll go futher."

End Of Flashback

And they did actually.

"This bridge is a neux of our destinies... and all of our dreams and futures balance on the edge of a knife. I have my own dreams... as you have yours." Shina watched Haku silently hidden and unnoticed by them, her ANBU mask on boy's face made it only worse. "Please try not to resent me, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes... to protect the ones I care about the most... to fight, kill or die to fulfill their dreams. Doing so is my own dream. To that end, I will become a true shinobi... and I shall kill you both."

Sakura encouraged two teammates, but quickly got scolded by Kakashi that began to say why to not do so, and then Zabuza explained to them why Haku was so dangerous.

Shina shifted in her position as she seen Haku's movements. They weren't sure, even if it was hidden so well, she was the one that could see every muscle that relaxes and tenses up. Three boys fought while Kakashi reached to raise his headband to show his Sharingan but got stabbed in hand by Zabuza.

After some more of talks and movements blood dripped on the floor and Zabuza chuckled.
"Frankly I've been dying to steal it..." he raised his hands and flashed a handsign to a Kirigakure no Jutsu. "Something to the effect of..."Just so you know, the same spell won't work on me twice."

Shina smirked knowing this might be the last chance of seeing them in the one piece. The mist covered the bridge and so Zabuza "vanished" in it. Next thing she heard were talks and clashes of sword, knives and metalic clicking sounds.

Another thing she heard was Sakura's scream, but turned out nothing was wrong, because everything was steady. When she turned her attention of Uchiha, Yuki and Uzumaki, Jinchuriki was passed out while ravenette got his sharingan. However his body didn't matched the speed of the eyes.

Sasuke noticed that Haku's next attack won't be directed at him but at Naruto, and he covered him with his own body from bunch of needles. When Naruto came back to sences first thing that he saw was heavily bleeding Sasuke in front of him, he froze.

He fallen backwards and his blonde friend caught him. Shina titled her head while watching two of them, it almost remind her something. Smiling slightly she waved to Haku, whom's hand flinched a bit as if he showed that he noticed.

Sasuke began his pained speech and went into clinical death. Naruto raged and Shina felt dizzy fallen to her knees, she felt something burning inside of her, deep down. Like... fire.

Strong bloodlust. Something that wasn't felt in a while. It felt stronger and stronger, her skin burnt as chakra bubbled around her hands, she focused and it died down, sometimes it happened, but she learned how to control it.


sorry for this short shit today but I am a bit busy


Genius? More than that.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن