Chapter 13

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(You better put some fucking sad music here)

She buried both of them, on Haku's grave she put water lilies that meant "Heart Purity", she smiled slightly and put Kubikiribōchō. Suzu snuck up to her side and licked her whole massacred hand, Momochi looked at her summoning and bent down.

"Suzu-chan, you're free to go." she said softly still managing to hold back.

"Is it okay with you Shina-sama?"

"Yes, yes it is." As she told her that wolf's ears fell down and she took few steps backwards and disappeared in a poof of smoke. For female it wasn't a surprise that her master didn't cry, after all she was tough, she was morality of her. That's why Shina was alpha and wolves listened to her.


Shina stared down at light brown fur that was stained with blood, it was Shi's, one of her summonings wolves blood. She stared at dead body of his, he died in her arms, she softly ran her hand over his fur and stood up.

All wolves howled in saddness and grief, some of them were wondering why Shina hasn't spilled a tear. Some of the wolves got suspicious on her loyalty, but Suzu whispered:

"She's not letting us see her hurt, cause it's going to hurt us more. She's a good leader."

They agreed for the first time with silver-furred wolf.

End of Flashback

Shina teleported to her room, it took her a while to get her stuff in order. She remind herself with ever new step another long lost memory. Woman kneeled and sat on her butt, it didn't take long for her eyes to start watering.

Few seconds later and... Screams, yells, cries, tears filled the room.

Sadness and sorrow was around her breaking her heart. Shattering it into tiny pieces. Across-the-board people said that her heart was made from ice, but ice either melts, either it shatters like glass.

"Haku..." she sobbed covering her face "Zabuza!"


"Haku!" younger Shina called dark-haired boy, she was around 17-year-old. "Are you alright?" she questioned and bent next to him, his leg was whole red, it wasn't surprise since he fell from the tree and landed in not the right way. "You need to watch out on your health more, you get me worried more and more." she gave him closed eyes smile and began to heal his broken leg. "It's okay to cry if you want to. No matter what Zabuza says."

"Hey! Don't ignore me! I'm right here." Zabuza shouted from his sitting position on branch above them.

"I don't care, what you say about tears. If someone needs to cry, then let them cry, but not too much, then it makes you freaking crybaby.' she mumbled the last part. Zabuza chunkle at her comment but haven't say anything in return.


Younger Shina was running in forest, it was one of those days where she'd get chased by some guys for unknown reason. She stopped and panted putting her hands on knees, she heard Zabuza's voice calling her name, she smiled in hope, but suddenly kunai went through her stomach. She fell and cried out from pain.

"SHINA!" older Momochi ran up and picked her up in bridal style. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes and no." she said embarrassed. How could she let herself get hurt by one kunai like that!? He turned around to face their enemy. After few seconds they were dead.

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