Chapter 13: The Autobots Return pt 1

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 “Hey Blitzwing!” The Decepticon Techno-organic squeals after the Tank whom is carrying bunches of objects in both arms. “I have a question.”

    “Shooz iz, I can liszen while mulzizasking.” Blitzwing response,struggling to move the objects.

    “Whats the concept of a bondmate?” The Girl simply asked,her eyes filled with curiosity.

    “When anozher boz feels Zeelings for zhe ozher, she/he will feel dezached and zhe spark would be somewhaz empzy when zhe boz loves/likes he/she offlinez.” Blitzwing begins to explain. “Many boz think sparks are already connected before being creazed into zhe prozoform,when bonding,zhey will see each ozhers memories and maybe make a rare sparkling. zhough iz’s never been done before. Why?”

    The Techno-organics messes with her foot.

    “The EXACT day that wierd spider came into the core-room, I had never met Megatron before, and then there was this odd feelings when he was offlined temporaly.” The girl response, turning her head back to the Jet. “Felt kind of empty, did Blackarachnia really rebuild you?”

“Yes, she did.” The Tank confirmed, his interest about the theory and concept had increased more by what Auto said. “You say you never mez him before zhaz solar cycle..buz whaz if you somehow mez Megazron in spark form?”

  “A really long shot, but I was made years after he was created.” Auto pointed out,remembering a certian quote. “Someone once told me,nothings impossible.”

  “Is iz possible your headaches are ulzrimate szrong visions?” Blitzwing changes the subject, but only in his hot-head personality.

 Auto became silent, then surveyed the scene to see if anyone was around. “I had a vision taking place in this ship,” She began ,following the Tank into a newly built room. “And there were collarless Autobots.”

    “Collarlezz?” Icy repeats, his head switched from the argumentive personality. “oh do zhey wear awezome zpiked collarz?”

    The Techno-organic giggles.

    “First off, they wore dull gray collars with the ‘s’ imprint on the middle and two crystals sticking out from the sides.” She explains, watching him put the cybertronian objects onto a table. “They are controlled by Isaac Sumdac, so thus, they can not do anything else unless they have the collars off. They can do so much worse.”

    “How do you know?”


        Several months ago...

    “Why do you wear a cold stone collar?” Auto curiously asks, her gaze fixated at the neck-collar around Optimus’s neck.

    “Because Isaac suggested we wear them, they are actually cool.” The Mech said,morely bitter at the Collar than at the human enough to plant a few seeds of suspicion into The Teen’s mind. “Sometimes your mind  experiances these little miniture blackouts.”

    “Black out?” The girl said,raising an eyebrow.

    Optimus is showing The short Techno-organic the vast computer moniter showing several designs and various information is displayed to the Autobot inhabitants opened  strangely to a newly arrived Techno-organic. The prime faked a cough.

   “I mean,you get to see free movies that only last for a couple of nanoklicks.” The Prime explained, his voice confident in his information. “Go ask Sari about them.”  

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