Chapter 12: Once upon a Megatron

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   “Before the War, what were you working as?” The little short human echoed, her voice containing so much curiosity as she sat on the console beside the 35 feet tall transformer.

    “A mathematician who lectured at one of Cybertron's most prestigious universities.” The Herioc math teacher response, slightly raising a optic. “Are you like one of those History detective humans?”

    Auto nodded with a laugh.

    “Uh huh,do you have parents?” She asked, then noticed his clueless expression. “Everyone doesn’t have parents? That’s terrible,but do you know where babies come from?”


    The Techno-organic pressed the console, literletly leting her fingers dash across the board on the google search engine for pictures of sweet adorable baby figures wrapped in pink and blue blankets after their birth.

    “Different than Protoforms.” The Leader said, his optics going in different directions. “Where do Babies come from?”

    She climbed up onto his shoulder,walked ton his helmet, and whispered all the juicy details about how a baby is formed to his dark gray helmet built with audio’s at eacvh side of the object like human qualities.


    After she finished telling the proccess, Megatron’s optics were big.


(Readers, this little section will be in Auto’s POV.)

    Lately, I have been getting these strong visions.

    Like fragments, visual,unexplained paranormal sights that just does not flow like a big broad movie playing in the movie theatres. Two months ago, this vision was extremely big since there were so many past and future scenes depicting Megatron’s rise and The future Autobots collarless.

    I saw Megatron, in the same cybertronian mode, though he stood beside a mainly green  and light gray bird-crafted like Decepticon.

    “Where are you going Zarak?” The Mathatican asked, noticing the leader leaving the HQ’s mouth.

    The taller mech stops,then turns his heads towards the newbie.

    “The Decepticons needs to have a modern solar cycle leader, I’m one of those last-remaining Destron descendants.” The Decepticon explained, his back wings flap without a problem. “Do you have a name?”

    “All the bots at Cybertron’s university usually calls me,Megs.” The Math mech admits. “We use it as a joke.”

    I saw a faint smile form on Megazarak’s face.

    “If anybot asks, tell them that I was offlined by any Autobot.”


    What happened in this vision clicked in my mind, this is where Megatron sort recieved the next title as becoming the new Decepticon leader whom would try to reclaim Cybertron as a free planet.

    The next exclusive the one with the most headache...

    I could see the Allspark floating above a lifeless gray body that I could not identify for some reason, mainly because it’s so far off into the future that I can not easily decipher the meaning behind the vision. However, behind the scene,was a light orange orb containing two figures...  I didn’t know who was in there.


        (Yay, No POV!)


“How do you know this much?” Megatron finally asked, his curiousity getting the best of himself. “Did you?...”

“Nah, I watched too many movies.” The girl gleefully said,acknowledging some scenes. “I was researching stuff through the computer and I saw something strange, but I just don’t really understand the concept.”

 Megatron realizes that she single-handly got into the systems and somehow managed to read Cybertronian lanquage onboard the Nemisis starship. Did she take science classes? The mech wondered to himself. “What is it?”


 Oh my primus! The Leader thought mentally, much to his horror. She’s already asking about the concept despite being Techno-organic.Blitzwing could be the one whom can explain it really good, I have not experianced it at all.

    “Blitzwing knows so much about it, I hardly know a scrap about it.” The Leader admitted, shaking his helmet. “Besides Arachnia rebuilt him.”

    “Okay.” The girl cheerfuly said, hopping off the chair and ran down the hallway. “Hey Blitzwing!”


    Phew. That really was a close call.He thought, slouching in his chair. First off, does the process involve spark feelings or tugs?...Sparks are one of the oddest and strangest things in the universe..I think I felt a few of these this steller cycle for Auto...Like Starscream said, Love is estrange.

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