Chapter 9: A Blitzwing sky

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  A Air-force pilot is flying in the air using a speed estimater to keep track of how fast a jet or Airplane is speeding in the sky. Man,it’s so boring up here. Harold Johnson complained to himself, taking his camera from his pocket. “Random picture time!”

    Harold takes off his helmet, then unsnapps his breast pocket which he takes his sleek small  white-red camera and starts taking pictures of himself doing random faces to pass on the time.


    “Woah!” The man shouted, his jet spinning around in circles til it stopped three feet feet away. “Somebody’s flying in a hurry.”

    He raised his Speed estimater, recieving the rate of: 89 Miles per hour.

    ~~                                     ~

    AUTO’S Pov

       “Blitz!” I shouted in my seat with my hands raised. “I can’t even find the word to say this is better than awesome!”

    Riding inside of a jet or whatever it’s called, you feel the the thrill of being inside with a random-angered-cold bot whom has the german accent that always tosses in some unexpected funny moments and great experiance.

    Blitz laughs, going through  cloud.

    “Oh lalala.” I say, intrigued at the white fluffy clouds shaped like they are from movie theater as popcorn. “A Elephant cloud!”

    “Elephanz cloud?” Blitz asked, his voice utterly cluelesss.

    “It’s big,gray,big eared organic that has tusks and it has a very good memory of everything that has occured in it’s life.” I explain,taking my Ipod from my hoody. “I’m googling it for you.”


    After I put the term ‘Elepants’ onto the massive search engine, I put the Ipod into a large portable hole with wires that struck out to the Ipod and scanned it for the data to steam  through the entire jet.

   “Ooooooh,Elephanz!” The German bot said,his voice filled with glee. “Lezs go to Africa!”

    Oh dear. I thought,holding onto the arm’s of my seat as he speeded through the atmosphere towards the East-South-Easterly direction. How fast can he go?

~                                                            ~

   (Readers, for the most half of this chapter, it won’t be in be anyones POV.)


    A man with a red Robin Hood suit and a long dark purple belt underneath his tan jacket and pants is using his binoculers to watch a steel truck driving on the cold hard gravel not really observed or kept away from the tires.

“Hmm, why do they take abandon roads instead of a cargo plane?” The man said out loud, sighing after his comment. “This is way too easy.”


    One of the pebbles reverted into spikes, stopping the vehicle from further movement.

    “Not agian!” One of the officers complained, while the hood emits dark brown gas from the engine. “Franz!”

    “The tires, why the tires.” Franz Combazo complained,his voice seemingly tired and distressed about the said object. “Nike! You added a smaller tire than required!

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