Chapter 2: The Protoform

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Larry underwood is a respected man for his talent to fix machines and kind-hearted acts towards people in need of pure help, for his smooth back Black-blue hair came from a incident with his friend Isaac Sumdac. Everything went haywire after the wrongful experiement.

“Isaac, I can not tolerate using this technology to rule the entire city!” Larry snaps at the scientiest who’s hair is hair is perpetually black. “I must call this off with our partnerships, Good bye Isaaac, forever.”

“B-b-but Larry!” The scientist intervenes,trying his wicked way to keep him in. “We could so much for the empire!”

“Stop calling Detroit a Empire!” He stammerred, fueled of anger and no longer was blinded by the thought proccess of new technology for the next generation. “Forever is the beginging for you, but not for me.”

He left the scientist speechless as his big strong hands are balled up in fists.

    Years and Years of research done by scientist flushed down the drain all because of a outside source that we do not even know of the consequences.The man rambled in his throughougly thought process,scanning his sarroundings as he strolls down the hallway.

    When he arrived into the elevator, he could hear a noise simeler to the sounds from the TARDIS in Doctor Who for strange reasons in comparison. Isaac, what in the world is he doing now?! The man thought, frowning beneath his mustache.

    A illuminating blue light brightly forms in front of him, giving the shape of a round object metalizes into the broad view of daylight that reveals a fetus-like liquid gray and black baby with it’s little eyes closed.

    “What kind of creature is this?” He said outloud, reaching his large hand towards the glowing creature alurring him for a strange reason.  “I call this... A alien.”

    When he touched the protoform, a lightning scawr formed across his largly cacasian arm as pain inflicted itself onto Larry that knocked him out for a little over nine minutes before the Elevator would stop and open.



    A baby? He thought, his eyes reopened to see a little baby girl wrapped in black blankets.

    “My wife must see this!” He exclaimed, picking up the roundish holder and took it with him to  his home after the Elevator opened.


    Martha Underwood Autospring is busy knitting a sweater for their upcoming baby boy Leroy Underwood, this was their last chance to get a child for them since every attempt landed into miscarriage.

    She hears the door open with her husband Larry shouting about something.

    “Hey Martha!” The man in his thirties gleamed, kicking the door shut after coming in and the package he held is covered. “I have a surprise.”

    “Whats the surprise?” Martha asked, standing up from the couch.

    “We may get what we want.” The man merely beams, his eyes filled of joy as he puts the outer-space object onto the living room table. “If this one does not work, we have a miracle baby.”

    “Miracle baby?” The blonde head repeats, raising a eyebrow.

    “Yes,miracle baby.” Larry nodded, grinning as he takes off the blanket to reveal a little baby sleeping peacefully in the stage of adorableness.

    Martha’s blue eyes sparkle at the small baby girl resting without a single fuss.

    “Where did you ge--” Martha began to ask,turning her eyes towards her husband to notice the wound on his right arm. “What happend?”

    Larry smiled.

    “God gave us a gift, something nobody in the world would ever recieve out of the blue.” The man went on,taking the little baby from the holder. “You are her mother, what name comes to mind when you see her?”

    “Ivy Autospring.” Martha said, taking the baby from his arms into her own. “She will be Leroy’s big sister, so he will probably look up to her.”

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