Chapter 3: Battle mode

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Auto’s Pov

    “How did you upgrade?” Sari repeatedly asked me, while we were in the training room.

    I rolled my eyes. Why ask this redundant question? there are lots of powered Crystal shards. I thought,being in my battle mode. It seemed like she had already asked this question once before or maybe I am just losing it. I do not really know anymore for sure about my own sanity. “There are lots of Powered Crystal shards around the world.”

    “Where did you find yours?” The purple haired girl asked me agian, sounding more like a detective interogating me.

    “Utah.” I lied,folding my arms. “Show me your battle mode.”

    “Well...Umm, what’s a battle mode?” The girl once agian asked me.

    I groaned.

    “See my big arms?” I start, reaching both purple arms with black outlines on left sides forward. “You basically know what they do when a weapon retracts from them,like this,”--From both of my arms, came Badminton racquets with glowing strings that could generate strong differently shaped balls.-- “This dark purple helmet protects my head as other helmets do the same.”--I pointed to my helmet.-- “Sometimes, you may have something attached to your back unlike me, The shoulders,legs,sparkchamber,etc., would look cool or bad to the bone depending which side you are on.”

    “How do you know all of this stuff?” The fierce writer questioned me, looking towards me after she finished writing.

    “Sheer experiance, now show me what you can do.” I told her, taking a step to the right. “Think of transforming, like your friends do.”

    After Sari transformed into battle mode; I could see her purple helmet with spiky pigtails  has two red vibrating crystals like the shoulder thorn shards sticking out of the Sumdac collar serving as the spark chamber,Sari’s eyes are a true crimeson red,from her arms retreats chainsaws glowing the same color as her eyes, the two red shards sticking behind her legs magnefied from small to big, her legs/feet are wider and bigger with the typical glow at the foots middle, instead of a full dress there is a skirt(the middle is black), Sari’s fingers are now dark purple claw-like as the palms of her servos glowed red,and sleek Jet wings grew from her back.

    She looks awesome! I thought, speechless. Maybe I should join the Autobots.

    “What can you do?” Sari’s voice snaps me out of my thought.

    “Who me?”

    “Yes, you.”

    “What about you go first, then I show my moves after you?”


I watch Sari run towards the dummies, her chainsaws emitting their extrenemly loud noise that nobody in the entire universe would be able to speak above inside a hostile room as I covered my ears/audio the entire time.Sari sawed off three dummy heads, then used one of her chainsaws which reverted into a long dark purple/teal green scythe to swipe the dummies light gray bottoms keeping above the ground and shot a red orb towards one of them--but it missed.

   Did she lie to me? I thought,doubtful if she did need my help because of her control for her weapons. Sari seems almost like a pro, somethings fishy here. Pro's can easily pretend they are not skilled in their power when they are being trained by somebody they plan to do something, I think I have listened  to too much radio dramas.

     The Teenage Autobot returned, while the dummmies behind her were restored to their previous state. “Your turn.” If it was easy  to do what she did, then I can do it...Right?  I haven't used dummies when I was getting used to my teenage body three or some years ago. It's been...a long time. If I explained why it's something sensetive we may be here for eternity.

  Here goes nothing. I sigh, standing in front of the dummy row. Ready,set,go!   I skid around the dummies in my skate-like feet,throwing several explode-able balls at the light-tanned machines doing automatic attacks way before I arrived to them. Explode kick combo,coming up next! I thought, increasing my maximum speed to heighten the hit.  

   When drawing closer to my target, I leaped midway to place my right Badminton racquet beneath my right robotic shoe and let the racquet’s explode-able ball engulf the entire foot that blazed red-bluish flames--no longer needing the racquet--without hurting me at all. I guess I have seen a little bit too much of movies being made at different locations. Eh. Go figure.

   “Hii-yah!” I shout, hitting the lone dummy with a hard blow and used the skates beneath my right shoe to slash the regenerating surface.

    I land back on the floor,breathing heavily It felt so thrilling, but I should not try doing that again since I used nearly all of my energy and force. I thought, panting. Slowly,but gradually, everything began turning black through my eye-sight as noises simply faded away as if I was having a Dream vision. No!No! not now! I hate when this happens, I get knocked out and then...

   ...and then I felt myself lose consciousness as Sari spoke.

“Auto,you just did the impossible!”

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