Random Idea

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Okay soooo I had an idea for something in the Alithia region. It's another group, but not a cult. They are all Psychic types, and the older ones have clairvoyance.

Like Psychic power and shit should allow for this to happen if they trained for a while.

The clairvoyant Pokemon can tap into their own forgotten memories from long ago and from their spirit to see if they recognize something or someone. They can also see memories of other Pokemon by connecting to their mind; this can be guarded against, however, and both aspects of clairvoyance tires out the clairvoyants to the point where they must rest before accessing their lost memories or memories of other Pokemon.

They don't have names until they are 10 years old and have gained clairvoyance. They then go on a 'True Sight Journey' to meet their spirit Pokemon. The spirit Pokemon are ghosts from previous clan members that chose to stay on this plane of existence. The spirit Pokemon and the members of the clan 'bond'-truly, it's just possession, but beneficial to both. The spirit Pokemon then acts as a guide and shares their memories. 

There are a few rules. The members of the clan aren't allowed to get involved in romantic relationships until they are 15, and their top priority must always the be the clan. They aren't allowed to date any non-Psychic type Pokemon, either. They must never argue with the hierarchy of the clan, either. The queen/king of the clan is the ruler. The monarch has a galaxy imprinted on them to show their status.

So that's what I thought of so far. What are your thoughts?

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