Part 24

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Heaven's pov
I have to admit, although I am with Dylan and I love him and all,
I still feel something for Calvin. But it has to go. I feel like I am cheating on Dylan, and I certainly do not want that. A door's knock flashed my thoughts away. I hurried downstairs and I opened the door.
"Hey Calvin."
"Hi." I wanted to hug him like the usual times he comes here, but he pushed me away, weird, he has never done that.
" there something wrong?"
"Heaven, I want you to meet someone." Who is this 'someone'?
Suddenly a girl came through the doorway, "Hi I am Gabriella, Calvin's girlfriend." I felt an ache stab my heart, it physically hurt, she seemed nice, I held my hand out and I put my brightest smile.
"It is nice to meet you."
"You too."
"Please, come in." The two came in and Calvin looked at me. I looked away, I cannot look into his eyes without crying.
"So Gabriella, tell me about you."
"I am seventeen, I go to a different highschool, outside of town, and I love to draw."
"What is your family name?"
I nodded. "How did Calvin and you meet?" They looked struggled , I do not know why.
"How we met?"
"Oh Gabi, why don't you tell her? I love the story." Calvin spoke, I want to shoot him.
"He took me to a beach, and we sat in our spot. We watched the sunset and he asked me out, and then it started."
'Our' spot, I thought only Calvin and I knew about it. I looked at him and I gave him a glare.
"Heaven, what about you?"
"I am seventeen as well, I go to West Bay High, I am originally Canadian, but we moved here this year, after my dad died, and I love to draw too."
"Oh that is great! How did Calvin and you meet?"
"At school." I answered bluntly.
"So you are best friends?"
"Friends." He looked at me.
"I thought we were best friends." He looked hurt, Gabriella was just staring at us.
"I thought it was our beach." Goal! Heaven. "Excuse me, I'll go get some snacks, please make yourself at home." I smiled and I went.

While I was getting some chips and stuff, Calvin walked in.
"Why are you being like that?"
"Being like what?"
"I mean, we are best friends."
"No we aren't, we are friends, I don't think your girlfriend will agree , if I always hug and kiss you like the other days, so we are only friends." He had this shocked look on his face, mixed with sadness and regret.

I called Dylan. "Hey Dylan."
"Hi baby."
"Would you like to come over?"
"Sure, I am on my way." He blew me a kiss. "Love you."
"Love you too."
About half an hour later, Gabriella and I became good friends, eventhough it is complicated, but I like her. "Do you have a boyfriend Heaven?"
"Yeah, he is on his way. I can't wait for you to meet him."
She smiled.

We spent the next half an hour watching Assasins Creed. The doorbell rang, Dylan came. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me sofly. "Hey, babe."
"Hi." I whispered in his arms.
"Come in." He walked through the door, and his smile dropped once he saw Calvin. "Heaven, what is he doing here?" He clenched his jaw.
"Easy there pretty boy, I should ask you the same."
"I invited him, got any problem with it?" I said and looked at Calvin. I glanced at Gabriella, and she was drooling over Dylan. Wide eyed, and her mouth wide open as well.

"Dylan, meet Gabriella, Gabriella, Dylan."
"Nice to meet you." He smiled and sat next to me.
"You too."
"Hey I have an idea!" Gabriella, blurted out of no where.
"We should go, on a double date!"
"No way." Calvin and Dylan said simulatenously. "Why not?" She tugged Calvin's hand.
"I don't want to be anywhere near him."
"Yeah me too." Dylan replied.
"Come on guys, can't you get along this one night?"
"Fine." Dylan said and Calvin nodded.
"Great, so where should we go?"
"I heard a resturant opened right down the street, it is called Pelé, we should totally go there."
"Fine by me." I said.
"We better get going, see you tonight." Calvin said, he and Gabriella went.

"Why do you hate Calvin?"
"I just can't stand him okay?!"
He raised his voice. "I am sorry." He kissed my cheek. "It is okay."
And I will not know why,
"So want to go upstairs, I want to take a nap."
"Sure." I grabbed his hand and we went to my room. I changed into something more comfy, and I hopped into bed with Dylan.
He tugged my hair. "Did you see how Gabriella was gawking at you?" He chuckled.
"Don't worry baby, I am yours."
That sentence spread relief through my bones, as I hugged him tighter.

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