Part 8

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Heaven's pov
"Heaven, mom's flight got delayed till the next three weeks, and your mom's as well. There is a blizzard. Kayla is gone , she will be at her aunt till the return of my mom."
I nodded. "I should go."
"Look, I am going to Dairy Queen, want to come?"
"Sure, it is not like I have something else to do."
"Calvin, come home with me, I have to get a jacket."
"Here." He threw me a hoodie.
"Oh, thanks." I put it on, and wow, it smells like Calvin. So amazing.
It was also super comfortable, I put my hair in a ponytail, and we went.
Calvin, has this habit of walking everywhere, and It annoys me.
"Calvin, I am tired." I groaned, frustratedly. Suddenly, he picked me up bridal style, "Better?"
He smiled, I nodded and burried my face in his chest hugging his back, I tool in the scent of the axe he was wearing.
And I realized that Calvin is actually flawless, well, in his appearence.
"Are we there yet?"
"Just shut up Heaven."
It started to rain, so Calvin ran with me . I feel safe around him, so I didn't fear the wind nor the water drops.
We arrived at a roof, finally.
We were wet, "I am sorry." I blurted.
"For what?"
"I ruined your jacket."
He smiled. "No it isn't ruined, it just needs to dry."
I looked at him for a second. And He smiled at me, he fixed his wet hair.
The rain stopped finally, we continued to Dairy Queen.
I made this happy dance.
"What are you doing wierdo?"
He laughed.
"So what do you want to order?"
"I would like the vanilla swirl."
Calvin ordered the same and we went to sit.
"So why do you like it?"
"My father and I used to come here and eat vanilla swirl, so it has been a tradition ever since. What about you?"
"I used to come here with my cousins and friends ever since I
Was a child, and I really love it here."
I smiled, you know, Calvin isn't that bad , he is so sweet. Once you get to know him.
He put his hand on my cheek and looked at me, he took my other hand and interwined our fingers.
"Hey , how about we go home?"
I nodded. We were back home.
"Hey , Heaven."
"I am sorry I was mean to you."
"It is okay." I hugged him.
We stayed in this position for a while, he kissed my forehead.
I don't know why, but everytime he touches me, I get these tingles, I feel every inch of my skin burns a bit.

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