Part 11

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Heaven's pov
I ran out of the cafeteria, I was just not comfortable with her being around, and Calvin made a new friend.
I sat on a bench, thinking , today my mom and his will arrive , also Kayla will be coming.
I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and I saw Calvin.
"Hey, why did you go?"
"Ummm.....I....wasn't comfortable around her." I blushed with embarrassmet . And he seemed shocked.
"What! Why? She is great, I like how she is very simple, like you."
"I don't feel the same way, I don't trust her." He seemed angry.
"Well, I won't be always around, unlike some people, I have a life."
He instantly covered his mouth.
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean it."
"No , you are right, now go to her, you do not want to be seen with a lifeless person. Right?"
"No. I didn't mean it to come out this way, I am sorry."
Well, I am not a person that holdes grudges, so I forgave him, but still, I don't like the sight of her. I don't know why.
"I have to go." He seemed disappointed , but just nodded.
I went home, and I prepared the place for our parents' arrival, I cleaned a bit. And I also rushed to the supermarket, grabbed a few stuff, you know, some food, for when they arrive.
I went back home, I put the things in the drawers, and I collapsed on the couch.
"Today was tiring." I sighed.
I called Calvin but he wasn't replying, usually, Calvin replies, immeadiately.
I sent some texts.
To Calvin: Hey Calvin, where are you? Our parents might come any second now. Once you read this, come back home.
Suddenly the door bell rang, I rushed there and opened it. Mom engulfed me in a huge hug, so as Mrs.Parker, "Hey sweety, we missed you."
"Me too, how was the trip?"
They started talking about their trip, Kayla sat in my laps, they say it was a big success, I am glad.
"Hey, do you know where Calvin is?" Asked his mom.
"I tried calling and texting him, but he didn't reply, so I don't know. I hope he is safe."
"Yeah, do not worry, typical Calvin, leaving his friends and family for those douche bags." His mom sighed, Kayla seemed sad.
He is probably hanging out with Arya, I mean how could he, abandon us all to go with her?!
Like his mom said, typical Calvin.
Hours later, it was gettinga late, one am in the morning, his mom said it was usual, but I am worried sick, what if something bad happened to him? What if he got robbed? What if he got kidnapped?!
No! I shook these thoughts away. I held my phone, attempting to call Calvin. And finally, he picked up.
"Calvin! Where the hell are you? You had us worried sick, your mom is here, come home, this very instant."
"Chill, I was with Arya." He answered bluntly, why is he acting this way? She probably played with his mind.
"Chill! It is one am, and I should 'chill' , with her till one am , and I should 'chill.' ." I yelled through the phone.
"Why don't you like her?"
"Calvin, you are getting on my nerves, I already told you why."
"Maybe this was a mistake." He raised his voice.
"What do you mean?"
"I shouldnt've asked you to be my best friend, you are too clingy, we are done."
"Well, sorry If I am worried about my best friend, sorry if I care too much, I just want to make you happy."
"Yeah, well that is it." He hung up, and I burst into tears, now I realized that I am too good.
My mom came. "Sweety, what happened?!"
I couldn't answer, I just hugged her and wiped my puddle of tears.
"He doesn't want to be friends with me because he defines care as clingness." I cried more and more.

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